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-O.S.: Windows 10 Pro -Alimentatore: 1200W Corsair -Scheda madre: X570 Pro -Cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X -RAM: 32Gb DDR4 3600Mhz -GPU: MSI GTX 1080 -SSD1: Samsung MZVLB 512 Gb -SSD2: 750 Crucial MX300 -Case: Cooler Master TUF GAMING ALLIANCE -Microfono: Blue Yeti -Tastiera: iTek Taurus -Mouse: Asus ROG GX1000 -Monitor: Benq 24" FullHD XL2420T / Philips 24" 2K 258B6QJEB / Asus VG236 -Cam: Logitech c922 Pro/Logitech C270 HD/Razer Kiyo
SOUND REQUEST: !sr "link youtube completo" !skip (salta la canzone/video)
Lista comandi sonori/clip:
TTS: !dice +frase da far dire al bot in ita !iu +frase da far dire al bot in jap
AUDIO: !esti !madonna !ghirlanda !curami !fare !svedese !mutande !culo !mecojoni !inculare !aura !mille !addio !kame !fart !burp !rumore !ruttolibero !kaaioken !gg !xfiles !finish !basta !fantozzi !filini !pomodorini !mostroken !merdaccia !coglionazzo !coglionazzo2 !vecchia !acqua !candela !canaglia !aigor !piovere !silenzio !tossici !aiudo !cazzo !uncazz !timmy !thunder !croc !circo !drama !ff7 !sad !sad2 !ruffiani !guerra !aiutatelo !vergogna !fatina !noo !bennihill !capodanno !quack !tradimento !woow !rage !colpito !ammazzali !fottiti !mtutti !sfottuti !missione
CLIP !poppe !baraldi !medioman !smars !fine !omaewa !oraesatta !muoro !manodoro !qulo !sega !shera !heman1 !heman2 !smoon1 !smoon2 !fede !kaio !cacando !trex !trex2 !mondo !sacrificio !aldo !juza !pisellonio !blind !calmo !pdor !rei !scopare !distrutto !ragione !sloturlo !superslot !svenus !smercury !merda !facciadaculo !cane !polpette !treno !cavalierenero !midispiace !altomare !vigorsol !vivident !eeeop !spaventare !ssaturn !applausi !finalflash !merda !meloridii !palo !leveline !elui !tenerone !fracchia !perchè !baah !urlofantozzi !pisellonio !daitarn !gibolline !aldo !treno !zamasu !mostro !bello !stronzi !lavecchia !morire !fanculo !ececec !autodissing !vittoriasad !kaiokenita !kaiokenjap !umano !megaloman !frank !beegees !kungpow !dolore1 !dolore2 !dolore3 !pollon !apemaia !aggressivo !coccodrillo !nondalamano !excalibur
Arcade/Console/PC LEGIT: -Shinobi III -Castlevania Bloodlines -Super Castlevania 4 -Castlevania SOTN -Ghouls N Ghosts -Ghosts N Goblins -Super Ghouls N Ghosts -Super Cyborg -Castle of illusion -Land of illusion -Willow -Medievil -Toki -The Punisher -CupHead -Blasphemous -Chash Bandicoot 1,2,3 -Diablo 2 Resurrection -Alien Isolation -Sekiro -Jedi Fallen Order -Tormented Souls -Eternal Evil -Daymare 1998 -Amnesia The dark descent -Link's Awakening Remake -The Evil Within -Lies of P. -Jedi Survivar -BloodBorne -Nightmare of Decay -The Hotel -Elden Ring -Tomb Raider -Robocop: Rouge City
ARCADE/Console 1CC -Metal Slug (1CC) -The Punischer (1CC) -Cadillacs and Dinosaures (1CC) -Three Wonders : Midnight Wondered (1CC) -The king of Dragons (1cc) -Black Tiger (1cc e no death)
SERIE UNCHARTED -Drake's Fortune
Arcade/Console/PC NON LEGIT: -Heart of darkness -King Colossus -FF7
Serie Wonder Boy: -Wonder Boy -Wonder Boy in monster land -Wonder Boy Dragon's Trap -Monster Boy e il regno maledetto (in corso)
Serie METROID: -Zero Mission -Fusion
Serie ZELDA: -Link to the past -Link's awakening DX -Oracle of seasons -Oracle of ages -Ocarina of time -Majora's mask -The wind waker -Four swords -The minish cup -Twilight Princess -A link between worlds -Breath of the wild -Skyward Sword in corso
Serie RE: -RE -RE2 -RE3 -RE4 -RE: Code Veronica -RE: Gun Survival -RE: Outbreak 1-2 -RE5 -RE Revelations 1 e 2 -RE Dead Aim -RE6 -RE Chronicles Serie -RE7 -RE8 -RE8 DLC -RE Remake -RE2 Remake -RE3 Remake -RE4 Remake -RE: Umbrella Chronicles
Serie SILENT HILL: -SH1 -SH2 -SH3 -SH4
Serie MGS: -MGS -MGS2 -MGS3 -MGS4 -MGS Paece Walker -MGS Ground Zero -MGS 5 in corso
Avventure punta e clicca (più o meno XD): -Loom -Beneath a steel sky -Indiana Jones e il fato di Atlantide -Monkey Island (1,2,3,4) -Broken Sword 1 -The Dig -Alone in the Dark 1,2,3, New Nightmare -Return to monkey island
Serie FF: -FF8 -FF9