I'm currently running a donation drive for a new PC specifically for streaming!
If you're enjoying the streams and wanna help out more, consider dropping a tip for me by clicking on the donate tab above! Please keep in mind that these tips will go towards improving the quality of the stream, and are not re-fundable.
I'll never ask for donations myself, but I'll always appreciate the gratitude :)
Events that are planned once specific benchmarks are hit:
- $500: Ocarina of Time Ship of Harkinian PC Port Crowd Control
- $1,000: A Zelda rando ironman challenge consisting of several randomizers played back to back (like OoT, MM, ALttPR, & OoTxMM)
- $1,500: OoT Chaos Mod: The Revengence!
Individual Donation Incentives (You do not need to meet the incentive in one lump sum, just specify which incentive you're going for):
- $10.00: "Rando Daddy Likey"
- $42.00: I play an OoTR No Logic Rando
- $66.66: You get to roll me a choice of rando between ALttP, OoT, MM, or OoTxMM. Only stipulation is no overworld entrance rando
- $100.00: I play an OoTxMM No Logic Rando