A long time ago in the mythical land of California, a young Nvr, with his small boi bladder, switched on an NES and nothing was the same. Eventually, when he had his big boi bladder fully formed, he turned to PC gaming, focusing on FPS and MMO games.
Losing countless hours and sanity, especially to WoW and Destiny 2, Nvr discovered within himself a penchant for being community focused and bringing laughs to the friends he gamed with, sometimes at questionable cost.
Virtual pew-pews, IRL pew-pews, and a lot UwU is to be expected as he CAW-CAWs too close to the sun while The Cure plays in the background on Saturday nights. Occasionally Nvr gives back in the form of knowledge when he dons his labcoat and emerges from his alley with high fidelity infographics and detailed lesson plans to help viewers learn how to play the games he loves so much, as super pro as he can.
Don't be shy and feel free to ask for help - he'll provide it with a side of surly snark and curated crass.
One of the hardest things to do sometimes is swallow pride. Due to an unfortunate series of medical and life events I am in need of help. You are not required to donate or help but if you could it may help me keep me going. There is a chance I may lose my job and my current vehicle. The community is what I never want to take from, it is what makes me feel at home but I could really use the help. My sources of current debts have been vetted by other members of the community whom most of you know, and any info of where it is going if you do donate will be shared directly with you upon request. I will be fully transparent. Either way thank you for being here and for being who you all are.
If possible please use the PayPal option.