Subscribing is an optional way to directly support the Twitch channels of your choice with monthly cost options of:
$5.99 (tier 1): Gains you access to our base emotes, usable across Twitch. 50% of revenue goes to streamers
$9.99 (tier 2): Same as above plus 5 Classic OHN emotes. 60% of revenue goes to streamers
$24.99 (tier 3): Same as Tier 1/2 plus the golden ohnBigBoss & ohnDUDDERS emotes. 70% of revenue goes to streamers
You can leave your Twitch name (or any name) and a message for all the other viewers to see, on stream. Also, you'll get a big shout out/thank you from the streamer. Please understand that monetary tips are non-refundable.
All tips will go towards the upkeep of the channel: Gaming/Streaming equipment, community/online presence funding, merchandise, trademarks/domains, internet bills and of course our own sustainability! We are humbled and extremely grateful to all those who choose to donate and we hope to continue to bring you entertainment in the future. Your support makes this possible and keeps our community and channel alive for everyone to enjoy. Thank you!
Welcome to Outer Heaven. With your host drk29 (dee-are-kay). Here you will find a strong Metal Gear focus: the main saga Kojima-directed games as well as spin offs. Story runs, in-depth playthroughs (including extras, secrets, easter eggs, trivia, behind the scenes etc.) challenge runs, VR, and so on. I also regularly hold non-stop marathons including all main games that last for days, thanks to Threedogg joining me to take turns. (Marathons happen on his channel as well, go check it out) If you're into Metal Gear at all, it's almost guaranteed that you'll learn something new about one or more of these games! I know I still do, and it's been decades. Even if you are new, this is a great place to ask questions and start looking into these games thanks to our awesome community that we have built over the years. Thanks for watching, everyone!
Outer Heaven Network (OHN) was born from the merging of drk29, Uknightmare and Threedogg's channels, and they are still part of the "network" so go check them out too!
Q: There used to be multiple streamers here, what happened?
If you're a regular you might have noticed we are in a bit of a transitional period! Due to various circumstances it is no longer viable for the 3 of us to share one channel only so we are each going to stream Metal Gear as well as anything else we'd like on each of our channels, while still joining forces and taking turns to hold marathons and keep them going non-stop on both Threedogg's channel and Outer Heaven, alternating between the two channels every month or so. Uknightmare can still be found on his channel [here] ( streaming other stuff from time to time but as of now he's not active for marathons or streams on this channel. I will update this as needed! Marathons take quite a bit of energy and commitment and it can be hard on your body and mind, so it's understandable.
As of now Outer Heaven is drk's channel and I might stream something other than MGS from time to time, to keep the channel active and enjoy everyone's company when I feel like playing something else.
Another passion of mine is responsible gun ownership (especially Metal Gear related stuff...I might be a gun-nerd) and there might be some gun range/cleaning/assembling streams as well as I explore the possibility of doing real-life related streams!
Hope to see you guys there.
I may also stream sponsored content including games, software, hardware, tech stuff and so on. These sponsors greatily contribute to keeping the channel alive and I try to make sure it's nothing too invasive. More info here
VODs CHANNEL previously Drk29's solo channel, is now a VOD channel for Outer Heaven VODS.
THREEDOGGs CHANNEL Doggs solo channel. You'll most often see him stream Horror, the early Silent Hill series. Souls series & Bloodborne, plus occasional random stuff and of course Metal Gear (both regular streams and marathons)
UKNIGHTMARES CHANNEL Knights solo gaming variety channel.