新人VTuber、Vstreamerの 紺染(こんそめ)オウル と申します!
男性 人間 年齢20↑ よく喋ります
雑談や歌枠、一部ゲームはYouTubeで配信しています! X(旧Twitter)で配信告知を行っているので、気になったらそちらもチェックしてみてね!
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New VTuber, Vstreamer My name is Consomme Owl !
Human male Age 20↑ Talks a lot.
On Twitch, I mainly stream VALORANT and other games that I suddenly feel like playing!
Some games are available on YouTube. We also have X (old Twitter), so be sure to check it out!
でも誹謗中傷や暴言、他者を不快にさせるようなコメントは控えてね! 変な人がいても無視・ブロックで対応をお願い!
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First-time viewers, comments are welcome!
But please refrain from slander, abusive language, and comments that make others uncomfortable! Even if there are strange people, please ignore/block them!
We will respond to requests for participation in order, so please let us know at Channel Points that you would like to participate!
Let's all have fun streaming!
If you are a streamer and would like to invite collaboration, please DM us on X (old Twitter)!
サブスクすると…… 僕が自動広告をONにしている配信でも広告に邪魔されずご視聴いただけます!
チャンネルポイントが貯まりやすくなります! 下記画像のスタンプが使えるようになります! サブスク限定Discordチャットもございます!
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When you subscribe... You can watch the broadcast without being disturbed by advertisements!
It will be easier to accumulate channel points! You can now use stamps! We also have a Discord chat exclusive to subscribers!
We would be happy if you could exchange channel points and make the broadcast more exciting!
mouse:Logicool G pro X Superlight
mouse pad:pulsar es2 3mm soft XL
keyboard:DrunkDeer G65
使用させていただいているBGM FREE BGM DOVA-SYNDROME →https://dova-s.jp/
コメント読み上げ →わんコメ、BouyomiChan、VOICEBOX:四国めたん