try not to mention other streamers or compare me to them
don't say anything that would hurt someone
no fighting
try not to mention other streamers too much
be nice to each other
don't tell me what to do unless I ask
refrain from talking to other viewers
don't beg me to read or answer your chat I will when I can if not sorry
When streaming with other streamer there is a chance I won't be able to respond please understand
enjoy the stream XD
자기소개/self introdution
안녕하세요 북미에 살고있는 판다준입니다! Hello I'm pandajun who is living in America.
종합겜 하고있고 겜 추천 받습니다. I play random games and taking game suggestions.
방송중에 챗에따라 한국어나 영어로 말할거에요. Depending on the chat I'll be speaking Korean or English.