You can call me Papi for short, Oddly if you're weird, or just say the full name if you want ~ That works too teehee
I'm also a Drag Artist, I go by Carmen Asada, and I love to experiment w/ makeup so you'll get Alternative looks but I keep it pretty as well <3
I'm from New York; born and raised!!
I'm a Triple Leo, meaning my Sun, Rising and Moon are all in Leo! I love to talk about astrology and why the planets like to be mean to us ~
I grew up watching horror movies which probably explains a lot ~ I would love to know what your favorite horror movie is!
Thank you so much for Subbing! Here is what you get:
Tier 1 Sub: Phantom👻
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A collection of cute Emotes that you're able to use anywhere on Twitch!
A cute Ghost Sub Badge next to your username that changes colors the longer you stay subscribed!
Access to !subsounds in chat, which will play very cursed sounds during stream!
Access to Sub Only Chat on Discord, The AfterLife Server!
Tier 2 Sub: Ghouls👻
Everything listed above + an additional Emote; Carmen Asada which also plays a sound when used in chat!
Automatically get VIP which would include a personal Entrance sound when you enter chat!
Tier 3 Sub: Papigeist👻
Everything listed from above + an additional emote; The PapiOdKlownmen Emote which also plays a cursed sound!
Get your very own Personal Video Command
If you would like to make a donation, please know that:
any and ALL donations goes towards improving my streams so we can all have a better experience together :)
only donate out of the kindness and love from your heart <3
any donation will always be appreciated, thank you so much !
Now, whenever you're ready, you can go ahead and click on the Donate icon ! Happy Haunting ! 👻
Dead By Daylight (PS4) gifted by CandidCaleb
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch) gifted by Alongstrangeride
Overwatch (PC) gifted by Daddystrata
Boyfriend Dungeon gifted by Maenyd
BOOwin gifted by uh_its_ed
Reversible Ghost Plushie & Light Strips gifted by bbyahlecks
GengChar Emote drawn by ThriftstoreMilkshakes
Door In The Basement game gifted by ThriftstoreMilkshakes
DryBones gifted by uh_its_edwin