ゲームをするなら配信してみようと思ってTwitchでの配信を開始しました。 フォローやコメントが一番の励みです。 よろしくお願いします😊
名前はPeapo(ぴーぽ)と読みます。 声は合成音声と自動翻訳を使っています。 誤認識による変な言葉や翻訳が発生しますが、それも愛嬌と思ってお楽しみください。
I started this channel because I thought that if I'm going to play games, I would also like to stream them if possible. Please root for me, I feel encouraged by your supportive comments!
The name reads ぴーぽ. I use synthetic voice and automatic translation software, and sometimes there are translation errors which result in odd sentences. Please think of it as a charm and enjoy.
「ルールを守る」「長時間連投して1人で占有しない=場の空気を読む」 チャットルームはこれらを遵守してご利用ください。
✖ 禁止コメント ✖
アドバイスやネタバレは全て禁止しています。 アドバイスやネタバレは1度警告しても止めない場合、即座に追放の対象となります。 「どうしたらいいかわからない」「ここで何をしたらいいんだろう」「どこに行けばいいんだろう」などと言っていても、これはアドバイスやネタバレを求めているのではなく、声を出して考えているだけなので、応援してもらえると嬉しいです。
Please use the chat room in compliance with the rules.
The following is prohibited:
Oversharing information about your personal life (i.e., what you do or do not do, what you eat, your personal story, etc.).
Oversharing information related to what I am playing (i.e., your personal game progress, achievements, views and/or theories, game trivia, etc.).
Do not ask me to study the lore of the game I am playing or suggest me what I should play next if I don't explicitly and directly ask for suggestions.
Excessive communications between viewers. If you want to hold long conversations with other chat members, use Discord.
Monopolizing the chat room by posting lengthy messages and/or posting too fast, obscuring messages from other chat members (Please, read the room, and give space for everybody to express themselves equally).
Spoilers, advice, instructions, suggestions as to what to do or how to play, or any persistent offering, insinuation or implication of such.
Politics, slander, sexual harassment or comments of a vulgar nature.
Self-advertisement or talking about other streamers.
I kindly request that you refrain from offering advice, hints, or spoilers during my streams, as a first warning will be issued, but failure to comply will result in an immediate ban from the channel. Please understand that during my streams, when I say things like "I don't know what to do," "What should I do here?" or "Where should I go?", it is not an invitation for advice or hints. Rather, I am simply thinking out loud and prefer to tackle challenges on my own. I kindly request that you respect my wishes and allow me to enjoy the game at my own pace. I hope you will join me in cheering for my progress and offering words of encouragement as I navigate puzzles and obstacles. Thank you for being a part of my community!
◆攻略済み (Games completed)
◆休止中 (Inactive)
Click on the image to go to the PayPal tipping screen. The donations we receive are used for various activities such as stream frequency and maintaining the environment. We purchase games to be used in our streams, maintain and upgrade our distribution equipment, purchase costumes and accessories, pay for coffee, and more.
※!Notes!※ 難しいマップはプレイできません。 ▼目安▼ ノーツ量:1000くらい 速度:19以下
【リクエストについて】 | https://beatsaver.com/ | ①リクエストのための楽曲情報を「Seach」で検索(英語タイトルで検索がオススメ) | ②リクエストしたい曲のTwitchロゴをクリック | ③Twitchのチャットに貼り付けて送信!
I accept song requests when playing Beat Saber, but please note the following: I am not able to play difficult maps. Therefore, here are some guidelines to indicate which songs you can request:
About requesting songs: You can request songs from this website: https://beatsaver.com/