Q: What the heck is this?
A: This is a collection of VODs from Peeve's 13 years of streaming, organized in themed OBS Scenes as "Channels" that Twitch Chat can switch between. It's designed to simulate old school Cable TV. All the channels continuously play simultaneously, so while one thing is playing, you're missing something on the other channels (which is why I allow a rerun of each session).
Q: I'm confused, where do I begin?
A: Just type !upcoming in the chat to see a list of VODs that'll be shown on each channel, and the expected time for each. Type the channel command associated with what you want in chat to switch to that channel.
Q: What type of content should I expect on each channel per session?
A: Each session is aimed to have 48 hours worth of fresh content on Channels 1 & 2, with 10-20 hours of fresh PvP-related content on Channel 3. Other channels are either a completed massive playlist, or being added to over time.
Channel 1 will ideally be 5-8 hour chunks of a VOD before it moves on to a new game. I aim for one ~6-8 hour "episode" each of four separate playthroughs in a 24 hour period, followed up by the next episode of each. This means that, ideally, if you caught an episode of a specific game and want to watch the continuation of it, you should be able to catch it around the same time the next day. After a playthrough finishes, a new one will take its slot.
Channel 2 is usually either variety-focused stream VODs, or VODs of playthroughs I never finished (continuations of episodic content isn't always guaranteed there).
Channel 3 will be content that involves an element of PvP (which I'm mostly known for). I aim for 10-20 hours of content there per session so you can return to it to catch an invasions/match occasionally as a break from other channels.
Channel 4 are various clips I've collected over the years. Currently there are 783 clips in the playlist, which I'll eventually add to.
[Sub-Controlled Channels] Channel 5 is 150+ hours of my Kenshi playthrough, which viewers were obsessed with due to the backstories I formed between my characters.
Channel 6 is a channel dedicated to viewer fanart of my stream mascot, Fatz. Expect subs to regularly toggle to this and post WineTime emotes as it is very fancy content (don't worry there's a global cooldown).
Channel 7 is content that was unfortunately archived at 480p. Entire playthroughs are only available in 480p as a result. I'd like them available regardless, as it's still a lot of good content to be revisited. I'll add more to this playlist over time.
Channel 201 is a Fall Guys specific channel that is only accessible on Saturdays. Don't ask...my viewers are weird about me and Fall Guys.
Q: The stream is offline! I thought it was Always On?
A: If the stream is down, that means I am working tirelessly to prepare the content for the next session. This, on average, takes about 5 hours of nonstop preparation from me (downloading massive VODs, transferring massive files across HDDs, editing and rendering massive VODs, and deciding what content will be shown in the first place). Trust me when I say that it will be back asap, since an Always On channel ain't making anything if it's offline.
Q: What is the Guide Channel, and why isn't it updated?
A: The Guide Channel is currently just a proof of concept of what I want to eventually be a functioning resource that automatically tracks upcoming VODs. It is nothing more than an example image right now.
Q: The times don't seem accurate for the upcoming shows, why?
A: Twitch automatically drops the stream when it hits the 48 hour mark. Afterwards, it'll automatically restart. As a result, I've decided to let sessions play out for, ideally, a total of 96 hours so that viewers can catch a a rerun session (and possibly watch content they originally missed). When this happens, the listed times won't be accurate anymore.
Q: What's planned for the future?
A: I'm currently trying to think of more unique ways to utilize a Cable TV style system. Right now I want to set up some new content that is recorded off-stream and is unique to PeeveTV. That content can then be put on its own themed channel(s). Eventually I want PeeveTV to have both my previous and future streams, as well as much more niche and themed stuff you won't find elsewhere. Over the years I intend for this to just grow in both catalog and uniqueness, so any support is very much appreciated (especially whitelisting the ad breaks)!
Due to this channel being monetized almost entirely through ad revenue, Subscribers don't get ad-free viewing.
However, they do get:
-Channel 5 is 150 hours of Kenshi.
-Channel 6 is Fatz Fanart (The Bacon Club) and can be accessed by simply posting the Art emote in chat (very fancy). Anyone can submit new Fatz Fanart through my Discord (make sure to @ me).
-Channel 7 is a collection of my VODs that were archived at 480p and unfortunately only exist as such (still good content that's there if you wanna watch).
Scan functionality: By posting the Scan emote in chat (or !scan), Subs can initiate a channel scan, which will cycle through all channels to quickly see what's on each (Guide, Cat, and Art channels excluded). When the scan finishes, it'll automatically return to the initial channel it was on.
The Fall Guys emote, ItsFallingTime, will change to the Fall Guys channel (only accessible on Saturdays). Worth noting that this isn't a Sub-Controlled Channel, so it'll only be for fun.
More to come as I think up unique ways to reward Subscribers!
Cat Channel Info:
To access the super secret Cat Channel, you need to have the emote "CatTime" that is currently only from Tier 3 on my main channel, Peeve. I'll also need to access you on the backend to be able to change to it, so let me know in Discord or chat if you do want this. NOTE: There's currently only 1.5 hours of footage on that channel, so maybe wait a bit...also I may switch it to Tier 3 here as it'd make more sense.