Name: Jacob
(AKA) PineappleGG
Location: Orlando Florida
Games: League of Legends, Call of Duty, Smite,
Final Fantasy, The Evil within
LoL Server: NA
Current Rank: PLAT IV
Whats up everyone im just a regular guy trying to go pro. I want to show no matter what kind of person you are you can do anything that you set your mind to
I'm just here to make you laugh and learn more about the game
Well ive been playing LoL since the beta. When i started playing i was just like all of you i sucked really bad and i still think i do. I started by only playing Amumu supp and Amumu jungle. After a while i started playing the old Sona and playing bot lane support. Then Fizz came out, and i didnt main anything besides jungle supp and adc. Fizz definitely showed me i am a mid laner i love the mid lane and assassin role so i also play ahri Katarina Akali Fizz in the mid lane