▸言行請注意禮貌注意禮貌注意禮貌 很重要所以講三次
▸跟朋友一起打是常態,如果有開放觀眾請兌換「我也要王」(・ω´・ )先搶先贏!
My English isn’t very good, so my replies might be fewer and slower. Thank you for your understanding!
▸Please Be Polite in Your Words and Actions
▸This is not a technical stream; we’re here to have fun and enjoy games together.If viewer games are open, you’re welcome to join the fun.
▸Hate speech, extreme offensive language, and excessive trolling are unacceptable.
▸Racism, homophobia, sexism, and other forms of discrimination are not tolerated here.
▸Do not share the streamer’s personal information.
▸I rarely play story or puzzle games; if I do, please avoid spoilers.
That’s all! For the first offense, you’ll receive a verbal warning. For the second, you’ll be banned.
Please follow the chat rules, everyone!