Hey, I'm Andrew "Pizza" Denniser. I used to play a concerning amount of competitive Magic: The Gathering but now I play Hearthstone.
Business Contact: [email protected]
Occupation?: NEET Streamer
Social Media: Twitter
Why should I watch you?: That's such a good question.
How did you come up with the name "Pizza"? : I was eating a slice of pizza when I made my account.
I played a Pizza on ladder/Tournament. Is that you?: Yes.
What is your ethnicity? : Jamaican
I want to get into anime but don't know where to start: Any of these should be fine to start with.
What about Manga?: Here you go.
Favorite Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Favorite Manga: Solanin
Favorite Pizza topping? : Buffalo Chicken
Favorite Food: Japanese Curry
But your name is-: Look what do you want from me? It is what it is.