$3 WILL SEND A POST CARD ON SDMP! 300 bits will do the same :) Donations are not mandatory, but are appreciated(Donations are non-refundable) https://streamelements.com/pokay/tip
Steam trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=367328255&token=cW1hz27X
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hiiiiii im pokay and pokaylive and poke and also other things very soon...
DBFZ Team: UI Goku (A Assist) - Janemba (B Assist) - Base Goku (C Assist)
I use a PAD controller.
Art done by: https://www.instagram.com/proyectopepe/
Love, L, Slam, IQ, HEY, Fish, Joy, and EPIC Emotes made by: https://twitter.com/hephasst Brainlet Emote Creator: https://twitter.com/shirodu LUL Emote Creator: https://twitter.com/kirishimayeet Byuu Emote Creator: https://twitter.com/DiedraArt ENERGY EMOTE: https://twitter.com/BlackRexArt Monkey EMOTE: https://twitter.com/osidinum NOTED emote: https://twitter.com/osidinum pokayROUND Emote: https://twitter.com/osidinum pokaySHAKE & pokayMEOW By: https://twitter.com/osidinum
Starting Soon/BRB Screen by: https://twitter.com/ELordy87 Twitch PFP by: https://twitter.com/osidinum Twitch Banner by: https://twitter.com/hephasst Offline Screen: https://twitter.com/osidinum Panels by: https://twitter.com/triiivial