I'm Punkology (he/him), just a guy who plays games often and wants to share those games with friends and whoever else wants to watch. I also respond to Punk or Punko. Please do not use my name as a clever way to 'poke fun' at me, it's not creative.
Favorite game genres include: RPGs, Sandboxes, Crafting/Survival, MMOs (though I don't often stream those). I'm willing to give just about anything a try though.
I am a scattered encyclopedia on the topics of pro-wrestling, metal music, and a handful of MMOs. Random discussions about these things tend to crop up as a result.
While we love chatting and aim to create an active community here, we are also a very pro-lurker stream. I prefer lurking in other streams in my free time, so I get that some folks don't feel comfortable being called out. As such, follow alerts are currently set to anonymous. So if you wish to follow the stream and don't wish to be called out, please feel free!
Monday-Wednesday: Anywhere from 11pm-5am CST. Thursday: No stream, usually. Friday: Anywhere from 11pm-5am CST. Saturday: 12am-5am CST, usually. Sunday: 11pm-5am CST.
I more or less stream anytime I have time to, honestly. I aim to stream every day, with exceptions for MOST Thursdays. Saturday streams almost always will start after midnight and be on the shorter end. I usually start streams in the afternoon or late evening, and have a tendency to go until around 4am Central, sometimes longer. My sleep schedule is a wreck and I do not get enough of it, yes.
Tips are not remotely necessary, but will always be greatly appreciated as they help ensure that I can keep streaming for the long-term. Tips will be used to help support the stream and all of its scuffed qualities.
Please do NOT tip unless you're financially able and enjoy the content, we're here for a good time and good vibes first and foremost.
The following is a list of commands that can generally be applied to everything we play. Other commands will be included in the title usually.
!clips - Automatically clips the previous 30 seconds (I think) !followage - Says how long you've been following. !emotes - Provides a link to artists that have contributed emotes for our stream! !discord - Provides a discord link. !lurk - For people that wanna lurk but say hi. !perfect - Praise for Todd Howard. !playlist - Link to my main stream playlist. Expanded regularly. !random - Explains the CM Punk commands. !rain - Explains the rain, if rain sounds are playing.