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be Respectful: Treat others with kindness and respect. no personal attacks, or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or any other factor.
jabs are fine, just make sure youre not hurting someone
No Self-Promotion: Avoid promoting your own channel, content, or links without permission from the streamer. Respect their space and focus on the current stream.
Moderators' Decisions are Final: Follow the instructions of the stream's moderators.
dont make me add to this list please
there is no obligation, but if you want to, it will support me becoming a full time streamer! click above or here
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business email [email protected]
Itsme_cass: basically all the emotes
Branding, Web design, and much more. Reach out at her site linked here! Snarky_one
AstraPink: custom song "RainStorm", and base of AstraSwole emote!
!lurk !unlurk !sr (request a song!) (followers 1 at a time // subs 4 ) !skip (vote to skip this song)
!squad (our squads name) !discord / !dc (get a link to discord)
!oof (death counter) !later (when I adjusts stream live) !loop (count my shame) !foot (when i put my foot in my mouth)
!spin (spain without the a) !broken (i broke the stream) !goodbot / !badbot (tell how its doin)
MEMES (just type these in) cass, t0m, Siji, Astrapink, awaken, wombat, jace, bust, meat, o7, ocean, chum, wat, emotional damage, im in danger, cannon, scared, mailslot, nice, download,