Where are you from?
I'm from the Ukraine.
How old are you?
I'm somewhere between 30 and 40 years old :)
What is your stream schedule?
There's no strict schedule for the stream start. I merely stream as a hobby.
Just follow me and twitch will notify you, I assure you :)
What language do you speak during your streams?
I comment on my streams mainly in Russian since most of my viewers are Russian-speaking. But if you have any questions feel free to ask them in English (or even in German, but don't overdo).
Why don't you play newly released games?
You are right, usually I play games that I once finished. It is done for protection from spoilers.
Sometimes I stream games which I play for the first time, with stricter chat rules applied :)
You play games like a ...
I've never told I'm a professional, I'm just an amateur gamer and I play games for fun. Some games I play better (e.g. Mermaid on NES), some games I play worse (it is almost all other games). You can accept it or not :)
Почему описание то на латинице, то на кириллице? Потому что I can PogChamp
Пожалуйста воздержитесь от бэкситтинга (backsitting - дословно сидение за спиной), советов, подсказок, спойлеров (включая вопросы, которые могут привести к спойлерам), если сам не попрошу.
Please refrain from backsitting, giving tips, hints, spoilers (this includes asking questions that lead to spoilers) or suggestions unless requested.
Не злоупотребляйте action-командой (/me). Тем более не стоит вести общение в чате через action-команду.
"А давай ты поиграешь ... вместо %текущая игра на стриме%". А давай без давай Kappa
И ключевое правило: "Don't be a dick."
List of completed games
VODs on YouTube
DragonTV Steam Group
VK Public
PSN: DragonTV_
!uptime - stream uptime
!game - current game
!mitsume - PB in Mitsume ga Tooru
!robotmasters - link to 46 robot masters leaderboard
!goal - followers goal
!challenge - current challenge
!marathon - current marathon stage
!mosaic - useful links on perler beads
!ftl - FTL pilots registration link
!bttv - configuration of BetterTTV plugin
!ask - ask bot a question
!since - shows the period you follow the channel