I have been streaming for 5+ Years and have been loving it. I achieved my goal of Partner early 2023!! My next big goal I'd like to achieve is getting a substantial sponsorship deal.
Name: Cory
Game of Choice: Heroes of the Storm -Region: North America
I've been playing video games all my life. My first blizzard game was the original Starcraft. I've played almost all Blizzard games at this point, but other than Heroes of the Storm, the game I've played most is World of Warcraft. I started playing WOW towards the end of Wrath of the Lich King. An interesting fact about me is I met my wife in WOW over 10 years ago.
What led me to start streaming is kinda an interesting story as well. I use to have terrible ranked anxiety so I wanted to look for a streamer to watch, because in my head watching someone around my rank would help me better understand the thought process of players in that rank without having to deal with it myself(I know that sounds crazy now.) That streamer was a legend by the name of Steeali. After watching him for a couple years I ended up getting the desire to give streaming a shot myself....and the rest is history from there :-)
Donations are non-refundable
Donation's are never required, but are always appreciated. Here are some bonuses that can be achieved off donations:
(All Rewards come with my undying love and gratitude :-) ) $25 = 20k Hero Request $50 = (3) 20k Hero Requests $100 = Personalized Thank You Video!! + (6) 20k Hero Requests
Community Event Champions!!! 3k Raviment: Floccinaucinihilipilification -Starchild -Larke -Volta -OBJase -Hiimpancho
2k Raviment: Hydrated Homies -RobinUrH00d -LienHart -Grogu -Vorin -Atrigo
1k Raviment: Peepo-PooPoo -Starchild -RobinurH00d -HotsReforged -Ahilya -MethusaRAM
Bingo: Hotsmobile X3 FunkyDepression MrWilbus Perotinhots Thormodo WorldsDawn
Top Watcher: 2024: Ellixya