I truly appreciate each and every one of you for your support, whether you are lurking, chatting, and just by hanging out you are helping me a lot!
Here are other ways to support me as well!
1) You can also donate here! The IMAGE is the LINK! <3
Absolutely NOT necessary but very much appreciated!
ALL TIPS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Please make sure you want to tip before doing so!
2) I do have a website if you are looking for extra content for youtube music reactions! The link to that is in the description above!
<3 Thank you <3
Hi peeps!
I'm Rachael and I am new to the streaming community!
I've loved gaming since I was a child and that love has stuck with me as I aged! I particularily love RPGS and storydriven games. But also have loads of fun playing fast paced shooters with friends!
Thank you for joining me on this chaotic adventure! I hope it brings you the laugh and smiles it brings me!
We are a chaotic, silly bunch but please keep in mind:
Be nice, kind and respectful.
No hate speech, racism, sexism, or homophobia.
Don't discourage me/others ever. We don't make others feel bad about themselves. We are here to have fun and lift eachother up!
No backseat gaming unless you ask if I want help first!
No advertising or self promotion: If your only contribution is self promotion, it feels a bit icky.
English only: Our mod team only speaks English, therefore we are unable to moderate messages in any other language.
No trauma dumping.
This is a safe place to goof around and have fun so lets keep it that way! :)
<3 Thank you! <3
♥ !subtember - Tells you subtember goals and incentives ♥ !sing - list of karaoke songs I can sing