Wanna join in on the chat.. below are the list of commands you guys can use in redfairie land.
!uptime - The stream has been live for
!hug - Hug peeps
!game - the game being played
!discord - Join our Discord
!onlyfans - Join only fans
!vibeheim - Send some love to the community
!thatswhat - she said
!uvfl - Join the Underground Valhiem Fighting League! Details in Discord."
!fin - well fin?
!blameage - Age is catching up
!signup - Sign up to
!shield - message to the maidens
!OGs - the original shieldmaidens
!Maidens - new maidens in the team
Blame Players
Use !blame with a name of your choosing. If they/or you don't have a blame command, we will make one.
Otherwise feel free to !blamered