sfx119: spamthesounds, spiderfactscool, stm, suc7, succme, suceveryone, sucingskills, sukkim, thatsmyfriend, tookpantsoff, tryingtofind, wentwithsuc, woodenstick
sfx120: yipyip, absolutecheater, achoo11, anndie, annmcd, baddragon, balditis, ballface3, bigdice, boned, buysell, canthack, cantrelease, canttouchbigone, cavebooty
sfx121: chairsound, cheater2, chessmastergb, cleanmycage, clockspin, consideration, corblimey, demonrod, disabled, doingit, dontknowhowhard, doubtflygon, dragonbellies
sfx122: drinkpis, dukeball, dukestupid, face, fantasylava, fantasymoney, finally, flipit, fluid, forc, fujohnmatrix, fuzzyballs, glorytothemany, goodflygon, gotit
sfx123: gotosleep3, gottafind, guardkitchen, hansgang, hatdied, hatdisabled, helloprincess, hescoming, hologram, hotsx, howmanybraincells, hugerat, ialmost
sfx124: ihateit, adamjensen, inthetoilet, joedeath, jptekwar, kleebensave, klingorcs, krayaiken, lalala8, laugh7, longfuk, lottaguys, macawpc88, macawkick, meatball
sfx125: mikebench, moresounds, mortis, myduel, nicehead, nofrogsx, nonono2, nosexypeter, nothappening, nowarwind, onthegreen, osmindblow, pieces, purplepterodactyl
sfx126: radongames, radonpodgang, radonyay, rat5, ratbooty, ratsdead, rigjams2, rigmuppet, rigno7, rigomg2, rigshriek, rigwtf2, sasha, satan, shadrocheating, shebig
sfx127: shortshorts, shucks3, small, ohmy3, sukinggood, tangram, thatsmybook, thatsmyhen, thecaptain, theproniverse, theyexplode, thingtoextend, throwgameaway
sfx128: tocome, tongueaction, touchball, toxic, trees, turkeyfish, unprofessional, uwu2, verygood, weee2, weird, wellyoudidit, whyarentyoustreaming, whythehell
sfx129: wonderbutt, reportthis, yeargh, zophar, 2, achoo12, achoolul, alive, anotherfurry, anybodysuk, backlogcheck, badending, bonedus, bonus2, bustnut
sfx130: cametooearly, catchme, chatamazing, checkmyurinal, clownmusic, coming2, commandedtocome, cookupleman, crabbang, daggerface, darkazialprocreated, darerequest
sfx131: deadguy, dickstraction, diemonster, dogmurder, dukeacop, dukecough, dukefavorite, dukemummy, dukenun, dukeyeah, dukeyoudick, eatmyshorts, eeee, egyptno
sfx132: emergencyblow, emialmighty, etbobs, excites, explosion2, f2, fakk2ritual, fishcome, fkmountain, generalia, getdown, geteffed, ghuee, gitgud, givemeyourmoney
sfx133: gladiatordeath, gofrog, goldenkey, goodjoke, gottanutfast, grabrings, greasy, hanscasual, hansratclowncar, hanstagalog, harambeno, hatejumppuzzles, haunted
sfx134: hecubah, helldoc, hidesalami, hisweakspot, horse2, howdididie, husband, inme, iseeaman, iswallow, justdontgetstunned, killedguy, kissfish, lockmeup, diks
sfx135: macawchicken, macawclownmusic, macawforget, macawdinosaur, macawsonic, macawhole, macawyousee, mightymax, miketuna, mikepissah, move3, musicfarting
sfx136: musnttouch, nicecolors, ninjas2, niplazer, nipslip, nochoice2, nodikhere, nononono, nopodgangs, notfrombehind, nsfwnose, ohgodtakeit, omg7, omgitsbig
sfx137: onmyface, penetration, plumbers, pms, pointandclick, profanity, puberty, pullout4, pwfail, rabblerabble, radonbtg, radonseethat, radonlll, radonmegaballed
sfx138: radonpoints, radonwhycanti, rewindmikeyeah, rig2, rig50zeny, rigass, rigbeep, rigfanfare, rigomg3, rigpissah, rigwhatdoido, flacid, scream8, seriouspiss
sfx139: shakingthat, shootthisguy, shotaguy, sinksolow, slamhiswhat, slammer, slidepuzzlesyes, smokeytralala, sniffthebird, snort, snotty, solong, sortbyfish
sfx140: specimen, splashok, stufmuffin, surrounded, tacticaldump, tekwargood, teleport, thatbalzack, thatsmypot, thereeds, thickandhard, tweakknobs, twoballs
sfx141: twoballs2, uhoh2, wackemoff, wantsomebutt, wasnotweiner, wee2, weefu, weiner, wgsap, whatsupbabe, whenhefalls, wherearemypants, winxpstart, wipebackend, wokeup
sfx142: wontletgo, worm, wthhappened, youahole, youfool2, yousee3, brianhello, 42damage, ahhh, pit, bigtroublenow, cavemanninja, dukexploring
sfx143: fixbaldhead, git, levelup2, notdodging, rigwithhair, wtfcagecleaner, fire, healing, thunder, icestorm, heedon, jugem, diacute, bayohen, bayohihihi, braindumbed
sfx144: reporting, acknowledged, constructioncomplete, wormsign, wormfood, missile, pothole, rigdave, rigbunlaugh.
My name is Andrew, but I also go by RIG here for short.
My favorite systems are MS-DOS, NES, SNES and Sega Genesis. The sounds in chat keep me focused and all of us entertained. We keep things light hearted here, so please respect each other. Thank you for checking out the channel! NOW GO PLAY A SOUND COMMAND!
Feel free to send a tip directly: https://streamlabs.com/retroislandgaming/tip
Yoshi's Island (SNES) Toki Going Ape Spit (Sega) Arcus Odyssey (Sega) Wizardry 6 (DOS) The Summoning (DOS) uncompleted Dragon Quest 3 (SNES) Super Mario World (SNES) Secret of Evermore (SNES) Fester's Quest (NES) Nancy Drew: Kapu Cave (PC) Torchlight (PC) died before completion Adventures of Nikko (DOS) Soul Reaver 2 (PS2) Arachnophobia (DOS) Thief 2 (PC) Les Manley: In Search of the King (DOS) uncompleted Ys 4 (PC Engine) Ys 3 (Sega) Ys 1 and 2 (PC Engine) Final Fantasy 5 (SNES) Tactics Ogre (SNES) Quake 4 (PC) Popful Mail (Sega CD) Hands of Necromancy (PC) Lufia 1 (SNES) Amid Evil (PC) Castlevania 64 (N64) Thief: The Dark Project/Gold (PC) DUSK (PC) Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine) Quake 2 (PC) Quake (DOS) Inner Worlds (DOS) The Menace of Dr. Spoil Sport (DOS) Jewel Master (Sega) Ultima: Savage Empire (DOS) Lufia 2 (SNES) Shadow Caster CD version (DOS) Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest (NES) Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (GBA) Dungeon Master (DOS) Shining Force CD (Sega CD) Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance (GBA) Castlevania - Circle of the Moon (GBA) Elder Scrolls Arena (DOS) Heretic - DOS (Hard with Fast Monsters challenge) Shining Force (Sega) King's Field 2 USA (3 in Japan) (PSX) Shining in the Darkness (Sega) Starcraft + Brood Wars Toffifee (DOS) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (SNES) Super Adventure Island 2 (SNES) Shining in the Darkness (Sega) Zoo Keeper (DOS) Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (PSX) Crystalis (NES) The Guardian Legend (NES) Ultima 9 The Varginha Incident (DOS) Demon's Crest (SNES) Gargoyle's Quest 2 (NES) Fallout 2 Fallout 1 Shadowrun (SNES) Gabriel Knight (DOS) Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (Win) Ultima 8 unpatched (DOS) Dune 2 (DOS) Infernax Last Knight of Camelot (DOS) Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne (WIN) Puffwort's Evil Scheme (DOS) Half Life 2: Episode 1 & 2 Half Life 2 Half Life: Blue Shift Half Life: Opposing Forces Half Life (WIN) Phantasy Star 4 (Sega Genesis) Phantasy Star 3 Crys ending (Sega Genesis) Phantasy Star 2 (Sega Genesis) Monster World IV (Sega Genesis) Wonderboy Dragon's Trap (SMS) Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal (DOS) Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness (DOS) Duke Nukem 3D Nuclear Winter
2021: Diablo 1 (no death Sorcerer completed, Win) Warcraft 1 (DOS) Sword of Vermillion (Sega Genesis) Wonderboy in Monster World (Sega Genesis) Ultima 7 part 2: Serpent Isle (DOS) Startropics 2 (NES) Terranigma (SNES) Illusion of Gaia (SNES) Soul Blazer (SNES) Phantasy Star (SMS) Urban Strike (Sega Genesis) Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2 (SNES) Bermuda Syndrome (Win 3.1) Startropics (NES) Resident Evil (PS1) Blaster Master (NES) Max Payne 3 Max Payne 2 Max Payne (PC) Max Payne (GBA) Ultima Underworld 2 (DOS) Metroid Zero Mission (GBA) The Immortal (NES) Red Alert 2 Ultima Underworld 2 (DOS) King's Field 1 USA (2 in Japan) (PSX) Sweet Home NES Command & Conquer 2 Tiberian Sun ICON (DOS) -unfinished- King's Field 1 Japanese (PSX) Resident Evil Gaiden (GBC) Jungle Strike (DOS) Fury³ (Win 3.1) Desert Strike (DOS) (did not finish bonus mission) Daikatana (Gameboy Color) Ultima 7: The Black Gate (DOS) Ultima: Runes of Virtue (GB) Day of the Tentacle Deus Ex Metal Warriors (SNES) Black Sect Gobliiins Mixed Up Fairy Tales Dungeon Keeper Castle Master Ultima Underworld (Fist only, no magic, no walkthrough permadeath) SiN: Wages of Sin Ultima 6 Blackthorne (DOS) Duke Nukem - Manhattan Project The Red Crystal Red Alert Veil of Darkness Diablo 2 Hardcore (all difficulties with Amazon completed) Jurassic Park (DOS) Command & Conquer Island of Dr. Brain Star Trek Klingon Star Control 2 Duke Nukem 3D Shadow Warrior Ultima 5 Dust - A Tale of the Wired West Hawaii High - Mystery of the Tiki Spaceship Warlock Ultima 4 (DOS) Jump Raven Lunicus King's Quest 5 Ultima 3 (DOS, Autosave ON) Blood Spellcraft (Earth) SiN Crusader No Regret Lollypop Inca 2 Inca Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster Diablo 1 - Hardcore with Rogue Ravenloft: Stone Prophet Hexen 2 Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession Heretic 2 Menzoberranzan Descent 2 Descent Witchaven 2 Unreal 2 (unfinished) ScubaVenture Waxworks Unreal Return to Na Pali Vinyl Goddess From Mars EcoQuest 2 Lost Secret of the Rainforest Psionics (DOS 1993) I. M. Meen Terminal Velocity Heretic Realms of Chaos Unreal Gold Think Quick! (Apple 2e) Mixed Up Mother Goose Exhumed
2020: Ecoquest 1: The Search for Cetus Realms of the Haunting Crusader No Remose Commander Keen 7 - Fan made game 3D XMAS Adventure: Santa's Rescue Holiday Hare '94 + '95 Shadow Caster Ultima 3: Exodus (NES, unfinished) Ultima 2: Revenge of the Enchantress (DOS) Ultima 1 (DOS) Lands of Lore 2 Nox Lands of Lore 1 Diablo (Hardcore, failed three times!) Princess Maker 2 Ultima Underworld - Ironman challenge Dangerous Dave Bio Menace Commander Keen 4, 5, 6 Voyeur (PC) Les Manley 2: Lost in LA (PC) Spellcraft (PC, Air) Don't Go Alone (PC) Hexen (PC) Mummy: Tomb of the Pharaoh (PC) Witchaven (PC) Jill of the Jungle (PC) Hagane (SNES) Legend of Kyrandia (PC) Raptor: Call of the Shadows (PC) Tyrian (PC)
2023: Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) Batty Zabella (GB) Mass Effect (PC) Ganbare Goemon 3 (SNES) Heavy Metal FAKK 2 (PC) Gadget Lost in Time (DOS) Lost in Time (DOS) Star Ocean (SNES) Dragon Quest 5 (SNES) Final Fantasy 4 (SNES) Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) Dragon Quest 4 (NES) Shantae and the Seven Sirens (PC) Turok 1 (PC) Nekotako (SNES) Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (PS1) Duke Nukem (GBC) Death Gate (DOS) Seiken Densetsu 3 (SNES) Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (PS1) Shannara (DOS) Tomb Raider 2 (PC) Legacy of Kain: Defiance (PS2) Congo's Capers (SNES) Ganbare Goemon 2 (SNES) Ganbare Goemon aka Legend of Mystical Ninja (SNES) Shantae: Half Genie Hero Tomb Raider (Win 95) Silent Steel (Win 3.1) SiN: Episodes (PC) Eye of the Beholder (DOS) Nox (Conjurer playthrough) Secret of Mana (SNES) Ogre Battle (SNES) Robotrek (SNES) Breath of Fire 4 (PS1) Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (PC) Tales of Phantasia (SNES) Tails Adventure (GameGear) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (PC) Serious Sam: The First Encounter (PC) Shantae: Risky's Revenge (PC) Gargoyle's Quest (GB) Breath of Fire 3 (PS1) Shantae (GBC) Jurassic Park (NES) Wizardry 7 (DOS) Blood Omen 2 (PS2) Dragon Quest 2 (SNES) Dragon Quest 1 (SNES) Shining Force 2 (Sega) Joe & Mac 2 (SNES) Joe & Mac (SNES) Escape Goat (PC) MURI (PC) Castle of Dr. Brain (DOS) Gobliins 2 (DOS) Quest for Glory 4 (DOS) Paladin's Quest (SNES) Life and Death (DOS) Deus Ex Human Revolution (PC) Quest for Glory 3 (DOS) Quest for Glory 2 (fan remake) Quest for Glory VGA remake (DOS) Breath of Fire 2 (SNES) Breath of Fire (SNES) Mario 64 (N64)
Turok 2 (PC) Owl Boy (PC) Mass Effect 2 (PC) Mass Effect 3 (PC) Kirby's Adventure (NES) Violinist of Hamelin (SNES) Shantae "Friends to the End" DLC (PC) Kirby's Adventure (GBA) Bobby's World (SNES) Mega Man 5 (NES) Super Adventure Island (SNES) Eye of the Beholder 2 (DOS) Dune 2 - Ordos Campaign (DOS) Toonstruck (DOS) Jurassic War (DOS) Anachronox (PC) Spellbound (DOS) Midnight Rescue (DOS) Wind in the Willows (DOS) Final Fantasy Legend 2 (GB) Madou Monogatari: Big Kindergarten (SNES) Dual Orb 2 (SNES) FEDA: The Emblem of Justice (SNES) Legend of Mana (PS1) Tecmo's Secret of the Stars (SNES) Mother 1 (NES) Ys 5 (SNES Super Ninja Boy (SNES) Vay (Sega CD) Treasure of the Rudras (SNES)
sfx1: apogee, apogee2, apogee3, apogee4, banned, boomshaka, charge, cheer, combo, danger, evil, finditem, hado, gameover, gamesucks, harassed, key/keys, letsgo, locked, medkit/heal, nomana, onfire/hesonfire, rip, rockso, save, scream, yeah, yeah3, yippie.
sfx2: 16, 9000, ass, ass3, brule, doit, hail, keengun, laugh, learn2fly, lottadamage, needpower, ohmycar, panda, pause, powerup, run, rush, screw, stayawhile, stayforever, toasty, whywontyoudie.
sfx3: bobsaget, buythatforadollar, canyouflybobby, choppa, dumbass, elmstreet, hansmole, heyyouguys, itsatrap/trap, letmein, ohmygod, primetime, stopyiffing, streamover, sorry, whereisthemoney.
sfx4: assholes, baggage, bender, boo, buzzer, cheese, chicken, coal, dmca, doubledribble, drowning, freshmeat, goat, groovy, hansbrains, hansdown, mushroom, notimpressed, oh, quad, reeee, return, sanctity, scissors, smeg, stupid, toolate.
sfx5: barrelroll, clothesoff, comingforyou, dontletitendlikethis, eatthemeat/etm, enough, friendship, getoverhere, guttertrash, hornyjail, kekw, listen, ohno, onefootingrave, paddlin, pylons, rise, slacker, teisel, thicc, urkel, waitforit, welcometoyourdoom.
sfx6: anothervisitor, blueballs, buffleheaded, capitalismspace, clevergirl, cowabunga, donuts, eww, facesperm/sperm, flyforyou, gkjingle, leeroy, log, lookaround, luckydevil, mankindispoison, omg3, pizzatime, playstation, shellshock, steppedbeyond, toocurious, windchimes.
sfx7: 69, burp, coatstand, disgusting, evilseed, fack, FF, followme, goodjob, grovel, juicyass, knock, laugh2, losebrain, metalgear, ohnojojo, onlygame, pranked, rocketlauncher, roguedeath, shotgun, sigma, wheee, wow.
sfx8: ballface, beerkeg, bigapple3am, chatweird, dolphin, faceme, filthy, gameoveryeah, graphics, kidsyay, laugh3, loveshack, minsc, mytoe, noBFG, nolara, roar, robes, scary, seeya, sob, stopwhining, wilhelm, winxp.
sfx9: a, boomstick, brb, choo, clotheson, complete, dingdingyell, floppy, fthis, gethelp, hard, haveconfidence, klingon, noconfidence, ohno2, omg4, puzzle, ragepiss, scream2, seekhelp, translateit, voodoo, wattafa, whatashame, win10, winamp, youcandoit.
sfx10: akuaku, aloha, beexcellent, boogie, cavernoushole, cocaine, daytona, eatflower, finishhim, grunt, hallelujah, hansheavy, homeraa, kenlab, neh, nerd, noint, ohbanana, ooh, read, rigno, sewer, softlocked, spider, spiderdeath, toilet, utspielen, whatno, win31error, yeahalright.
sfx11: ahoy, bookworm, cardboardbox, daddy, diddled, die2, dumbass2, fastest, finghotdog, greetings, hansfinnish, hansgerman, heya, heyman, jigsaw, karinslaugh, laser, magneto, modem, monkey, nowillpower, piss, playdead, runrunrun, scream3, thatsmydad, thisisdelicious, welcometodie, winxpacapella.
sfx12: cakeburn, cantbelieve, digup, drink, ente, excellent, fkme, future3, good, hansruined, hanssottish, hey3, lunaslurp, meiscary, meisorry, morpheus, mudcrabs, nicehole, notimeforthat, satisfied, scream4, scream5, slow, smokin, spoiler, stickykeys, timetosimpu, uwu, waitaminute, wizardsduel, wololo, yametekuda.
sfx13: ahh, akey, angryticks, bleble, caw, climbmountain, codpiece, darksoul, german, goinginhard, goodboy, gotmilk, huge, joystick, learnnothing, markapillu, milky, moo, nonosquare, owo, phones, quinoa, redalert, rotateyourowl, rowrowrow, sadtrombone, shootit, simpleyes, genius, skeleton, sohard, songsux, sorcdeath, understand, vinyl, win95, zelda.
sfx14: bigballs, byebye, elephant, fantasticgame, faqu, giantpenis, goodidea, haha, hansaussie, hansmike, hide, holysheet, letsgo2, lewd, loadday, magicmissile, makehamburgercountry, nerds, nooo, normies, pain, pointclick, pollaugh, polnice, quickload, quicksave, stopeldorado, stopsayinghawaii, takeanap, thatthing, thecorn, therewolf, wail, wowcongratulation, youdestroyedmylife.
sfx15: applepie, bblaugh, biggun, cheater, cheating, dadisdead, destroyhim, doomguydeath, dukechoo, enoughmistakes, erect, explosion, funkpunk, furious, gettinghigh, gg, grabdick, hansgregor, holyfk, homersong, hovercraft, iknowtheway, isawalot, isithuge, makeyoumy, monsterkill, nou, potatobrain, presentforya, qapla, seamenflow, seeyoubye, spoon, stoppokingme, susiescream, wort, wrongbutton, wtf.
sfx16: lordbritish, codex, gargoyles, avatar, death, paladin, arizona, shudder, sadsong, phantom, joinus, cruduxcruo, sneeze, holdup, andrewdil, frontal, vision, terrible, jojo, sonicdrown, dukepuzzle, nobody, wolfenscream, likemybody, heytaxi, megadeath, polka, helloo, thatsmymom, itjustworks.
sfx17: watagiggle, antsong, rigchoke, whytoxic, custardpie, diablo, helpme, mweep, surfsup, hardwork, alienlaugh, noescape, myhole, rigmad, hungry, notmybirthday, thewall, burnallthebabies, uhdude, morelasers, achoo2, battlecruiser, attackingthedarkness, justlisten, dude, wah, meme.
sfx18: bttf, bttf2, bttf3, seethat, sobig, showittome, flowerpot, poison, rigraspy, quack, minsc2, stickinhole, maxspeed, maxarmor, maxstrength, imdie, energize, tastelikechicken, gonnacome, holy, puzzlesucks, laugh4, soapyougood, kq5death, thwomp, ow, coo, givemeakiss, fornogoodreason, blah, keepfingersaway, cliffracer, drunkgrandpa, compass, naughtyofyou, polyseeds, cardsnotpermit, differenceelephant, evil2, slippery, excuseme, hansdoc, soclose, docpod, gonnacheat, thisisademo, thismighthurt, whathappened, imsako, mybaby, truedaughter, blastedass, mm4win.
SFX19: poi, ohyes, evilhehehe, acid, amazondeath, rigwtf, rigcheats, wee, floppyonme, horriblefeeling, airhorn, presentass, betonduke, cannae, minsc3, thatwasbs, keepupcommodore, deepsigh, rigno3, ridmad2, docklingon, pixels, somanycks, vuvuzela, achoo3, moreboxes, polybobs, kyaiee, gamecube, lick, ahn, utwiglaugh, jcbomb, inmyeye, ahfudge, ahfudge2, achoo4, welikethemoon, rigfck, rigfingers, counttohans, rigidk, aagghh, finesword, timidfool, nomorecoal, aangh, aagghh2.
SFX20: terror, singlefact, ready, tease, hardone, busy69, theycheat, urquanwin, thylies, treacheryanddoom, thycoming, nutsdontstop, morenuts, rakanishu, grabaliendick, minsc4, keepemcoming, exterminator, goodtoseeyou, hello, hardfloppy, sweettoothlaugh, righoly, lookatthatthing, bendoverbaby, preachoo, achoo5, nooneheard, theguy, nothingbutfun, coming, dustmydoylies, hansrussian, hansukrainian, wantsomerye, whatthef, baccata, nofun, uagh, rigmlem.
SFX21: burning, rushiameetyou, hansmana, dad, seedick, penetrateyou, mightbeass, picture, fyeah, rigno4, prrr, click, wood, fingering, thanks, tanks, suchanidiot, whyrunning, zanac, goldpieces, howsurvive, daddybezos, yellowballs, 23000, mephistoballs, cadash, church, gethard, shootdudes, missed, bottom, mustache, kirbopher, attack, what, thatsmywad, isthatyourface, peepoo, whereisdick, eatthis, nice, running, omg, hesfine.
SFX22: 8bitowlmlem, mikemlem, nostopbad, quakejump, badchat, noway, ccdeath, goodluck, rigdoot, wefkd, nooahh, horseass, klingons, klingonopera, boyparts, 7hours, hellcareful, theyfukyouup, rigrip, prettyhard, tastelikewater, areyouattacking, sandbags, sickofbeat, dumbestunits, thehansinator, destroythechild, sorryfired, wedidit, achoo6, achoo7, hanstoldme, ifukup, beep, rigomg, cow, seemydik, notworking, walkinghere.
SFX23: skinny, uranus, crapjams, angrynep, healspell, macawdoot, unitready, funnyman, tanya, letsrock, underattack, nuke, nukelaunch, asciiart, princess, flawless, fatality, gonnablow, erexcellent, bukka, launchfighters, kefka, comelord, sciencetodo, rignoah, womenlaughing, mikehomersong, uhh, sland, thatsmyjob, gonnasuck, thatsmybladder, whatwereherefor, holeaction, peanut, pokebuffet, rigbabble, bullsht, rigcheats2, ryan, waxed
SFX24: klingonfreaks, sneakysh1t, quarauntinelaugh, whathappened2, whatbro, report, construction, badidea, warpaint, unitflossed, shootdog, annihilate, affirmative, affirmative2, rigchoke2, npconass, imsorry, rigahh, gameknew, scoff, porkchopsandwiches, showthehand, happybirthday, happybirthday2, gameover2, suckled, ayaya, snakes, itssobig, rockskull, whereisdad, lalalala, needthatmoney, savescum, isthatyourdick, ednotgood, scorchedearth, hahs, gotobed, boink, sneezing, doesntgodown, lolheal.
SFX25: biggun2, launch, mine, congratulations, orclaugh, targetdestroyed, youdestroyedmytarget, grabjoystick, blewup, shoottower, rigcackle, klingonsouttahere, naked, ohno3, snowlevel, rignonono, zugzug, joytug, bible, asciipee, howiescream, tos2, blewfloppy, rigahh3, shrill, longandhard, goaway, getouttahere, blah4, howdisgusting, jcbooks, gtbspotty, rigseeya, ahhfuk.
SFX26: jcd, merci, thanksforgettingmein, ohyes2, omgdaddy, imleaving, guyslikejojo, channelsucks, banned2, watchout, onionspeak, heyguys, ten10ten, thatsacow, getsectual, separates, pleasestalin, huge2, stickthatinside, powpowpow, dawf, brrrt, penetrated, riglaugh, klingonlewd, omgmacaw, tight, thiccsound, takeitout, wuwow, notetakingtime, lululu, shootinbutt, gettinghard, touchsperm, shootshoot, greensperm, banana, pron, 9iron, greennoodle, holycrab, hater, putthaton,
SFX27: omgball, cheesenothing, cdcs, wtfido, reverseterry, swallowed, minestonegetgold, lovethisgame, ultimafingers, nutsarestuck, rigmad3, comeuponxargon, fkotaku, u9sitar, theyregonnacome, rigmad4, potent, onthepeanis, 500butts, wrongwithdad, uphorseass, magicallyguilty, canwegetagun, ususus, revealass, youruinedit, apogee5, skibbitypaps, release, hey, youlikethat, rigpant, dogpeanis, stopcoming, cometrain, giantcoming, thatsmybeans, roosterday,
SFX28: sausage, deodorize, missfiss, issuesproblems, thrustmaster, guyteleported, rigtalian, respawningrobots, bethepig, mahswitch, thiccmom, treasure, tree, sendthespermin, bigrelease, boulder, podgangs, hornytrolls, gothorny, 10tentacle, dongface, leavemykitchen, sexhq, washbush, videogames, stopcomplaining, pixelguy, slimy, savescumm, rigmad5, rigwhoa, rigbabbleyeah, oihuu, rigmad6, urgency, whycontainit, back2jail, stinksinhere, washyourfruit, itssobig2,
SFX29: damnbox, myenergy, savescumaccomplished, whereishawaii, rigahh2, harddifficulty, nobodylikesme, thisplacesux, getporridge, notthatbad, thinkfast, drinkpotion, whatmath, assassinrat, tos, rignuts, runesofvirtue, enteryourgentle, goodcoffee, salarm, betternot, pollsanctity, spacealiens, fme, playthegame, minehoe, gargoyals, avatarlost, fuguys, virgin, provevirginity, kasumininja, bonk, readytocheat, peacefulslandgaming, psg, rigjams.
sfx30: theycome, ccheal, thesepeople, powergunup, PDrown, macawbomb, pfarmdream, bigtrouble, weirdlalala, explodeintop, wantedthep, soundofcheating, wantthep, dodgefail, openmouth, toaholewhisperer, cantstopthedamage, unicorn, paynegame, graphicnovel, awoogha, itcrashed, shtit, painkillers, pfft, notcome, whokeepscoming, totalazz, lifekiss, calledthepolice, rigahh4, xena, moppepmop, payattention, ironcurtain, theyredoingit
sfx31: bigunit, mmm, copfun, bathroom, youshotme, readingmaterial, macawhuge, grenades, lorry, deathifdie, lalala2, boing, rignuke, dolphins, evilcat, guardianworld, riglul, freeze, getinthat, playitsafe, elomsnah, massivechest, wgo, f, angry, wakeup, geroxecruo, geroxecruo2, geroxebiboxmalax
Sfx32: maranaxinfirmux, warcry, holdmyhand, notpermissible, ratsx, internetpron, esad, die3, imsorry2, thatsmypron, saywhat, notmyproblem, ithurts, groan, groan2, oneherbleft, wrongwrongwrong, bonkgasm, worldkane, guardiantrap, notouchdog, rigcartman
sfx33: nasty, whendoweeat, explosionass, unitlost, rigwoah, brokeball, multiball, belikethis, shopmusic, cometrainsmouth, piratebooty, pooping, dadsmustdie, getthenoob, wecansavescum, jaleco, onewithyuri, shtfloor, thatsanorder, gethot, geekdeath, resistblow, points, mammamia, gonnagrabdik, pleasedo, lovesucking
sfx34: suckpicture, seaman, rollinginthebits, wheresmymother, realtome, hurz, icq, droppants, dracula, stoprewindmike, wowtree, neversaved, dynamiteheddy, hamulet, fmeno, eww2, nour, fantasywall, dontdie, thebees, psful, nootnoot, trystick, notthatold, sickofthis, didntseeit, startthegame, jillsandwich, metroid
sfx35: dikaim, holysht, stayalert, lookatthatdude, joseph, notdoingthat, confirmmonkey, mariahcarey, phoneseks, buttshake, albertwesker, wtfrebecca, recordscratch, fireballs, hatepuzzles, nicebutt, gotreal, buttwhole, dkradon, boc, rigturkey, noidea, stickfinger, chorizo, missedthedik, painkiller, poleposition
sfx36: fingcreep, noteddies, feeldirty, intheas, dikshot, enterbathroom, exitbathroom, howplaygame, bonus, clipit, stdeath, prettylong, rigmacaw, mouthballs, maxwgo, takeaswim, arethoseboo, wronghole, rigpolitics, frombehind, pickthisgame, shewontcome, nolikesoftlock, mouthpullout, armhair, publicrestrooms, ballhealth
sfx37: comesoslowly, politics, dinoroar, macawfps, popkaspooky, paddle, trapsyouknow, fdmeup, softlockedsong, hamburger, nakedmen, metaldik, rollonme, lalala3, experiencebeesh, nodik, ridgeracer, flaccid, thatsmywife, crapjams2, angrybirb, titanium, blocked, bttfguitar, 3hours, cola, nyc, sega, maninrig, completed
sfx38: goodass, segatrex, vtubers, chatcanttie, utini, wires, armhairs, damagemacaw, nevertoolate, inmyass, 4ofthem, stopsucking, genesisdoes, streamdik, rigcry, deepsigh2, stbeep, sthelicopter, grunts, omg2, stickyradon, savestatetohell, wrongbutton2, rigcry2, nospam, nyao, nyamero, cleric, no!
sfx39: cantparkhere, macawrig, theghouls, preposterous, normals, join, die4, bob, fnballs, satanist, cyberdick, stopgolem, riglaugh2, guardianlaugh, rigmad7, saloon, moron, huehuehue, screwthisgame, screwit, killsnake, waaagh, evillaugh, no2, wtf2, tatu, nom, eatme, seeyarig, nomorefortoday, thatsnice, holeismine.
sfx40: excusemerig, blocking, baldbs, banging, groan3, helpmekindsir, heartofdarkness, chair, meipat, healthbar, rigfantasywall, scream6, gtfo, deadtired, backinhole, blameisp, needamonk, nicetown, nosense, totaldick, threaten, hair, hornycrab.
!sfx41: perfect, goingtoburn, boxes, timeis, blu, ingame, shoveitin, carcass, fwell, dwarf, u8hit, soulsuck, crossbows, fullbody, 12hours, nopants, quiet, allgonnadie, excitebike64.
sfx42: thief, notthinking, thanksforcoming, macawburgers, lovelystars, sukanybody, kewl, hiavatar, justdid, depressed, bewareskeletons, omg5, tablefor, insideyew, itarienus, macawnour3, squeak, alwaysass, cringe, rigwookie, tgl
sfx43: subweapons, subweapons2, pieceofp, tiny, stars, rigrobot, faq, deathdomain, toothcake, toothcake2, plunk, radicalhat, pmovie, sobig2, cough, mmhmm, spellfart, whalecome, rigpaddlin, iceage, idk, evillaugh2, irene
sfx44: party, usethehole, 2hours, sobald, wishtorewardyou, getthechest, 14hours, avatarmakeit, scnuke, adventure, gotcha, justlistenhd, macawrig2, pullout, pullout2, scscream, lookgood, killladies, wtn, gamerfart.
sfx45: lurker, ghouse, slamming, hivecluster, zergattack, zergnuke, dragoon, apogee6, rigahole, overlords, docthatsmymom, stetechbaldaf, bittobaldaf, youfool, levelup, gnome, dmthief, dmyeah.
sfx46: cvdeath, gulp, merchantlaugh, farewell, merchant, interested, thankyou, door, vampire, revenant, revenant2, playwithme, rigaxe, opensesame, waitgraham, rigging, uhuhu, owowo, nocoming, nocoming2, cantcome.
sfx47: uranus2, longerthanmine, peopleyouveeaten, nox, touchredtip, thatsmybaby, gulp2, thatsmyhair, elecbone, happening, toohottoday, laugh6, abouttime, bigslamtonight, ballsack, marryu, flamerig, stoplaughing.
sfx48: voxaphone, icemages, pog, happyhat, chairnsfw, computer, doinggood, dominating, huehuehuerig, stopsayingtiny, lalala4, wrongsword, machinegun, tribes, rigcry3, rigcry4, warriorfood, mystain, screech.
sfx49: hungrymf, flashbackitem, toomuchhans, superhardlife, points2, distractingme, noslam, gotworms, putinhole, peskybees, dksus, heavyload, predictabo, ratscoming, secretwallhype, dayone, bonethrow, myaxe.
sfx50: elevator, omgballs, pullout3, hellcome, rooster, chester13, flyit, hatstayingon, pukekos, domingo, cantbush, foghorn, trolls, thatsmyass, trollhole, dropcap, nochildren, sosmooth, feelmuchbetter, myballs.
sfx51: whatisaman, dumb, 8hourpanic, gotagun, skeletonontop, steponpeople, gameshaved, controllerfanboy, nobald, 17hours, fffff, meenlost, sweetspot, okeydokeos, buckler, arnold, gotpeaches, papopapen.
sfx52: neversaved2, neversaved3, wowwizard, noballs, goodluck2, losingtime, shoobotabutt, cantstopjack, macawwhoa, macawwhat, macawggood, welcomere4, worstchair, jupland, bird, skeletoncrashes, ratsx2, ratsx3.
sfx53: needchair, dankdungeon, evilisafoot, gotowork, baldgang, 90hours, bitchin, moreprobes, dpg, isitdoneyuri, bellybutton, hotdrinks, warmsyouup, wetspot, compass2, scarygame, alienspaceshipmacaw, brodesode.
sfx54: amberstar, breadeater, banshee, thestairs, justmemorizeit, foodmart, rigcoke, nobones, sheepchair, tellmemore, dwarvend, blastas, hottorches, aha, idliketocome, punishme, ruins, holyjojo, ratsx4, bananas.
sfx55: lacucharacha, ggrig, telepath, dontdieonme, ratsx5, geecommodore, protossmeow, littleguy, oakclose, anhour, laughduke, u3duke, shocktroopers, died, mandragora, oraora, twinsies, notresponsible, whoslaughingnow
sfx56: badflygon, lovej, horserock, timetocheat, disabled, gaspexp, bonechaide, rigwhoa3, fkfire, justgoleft, ballsackduke, slothmeat, guard, failed, hatoff, fightitout, danath, ohye, mad, thankyouogre, liberation.
sfx57: tatatan, favoritesauce, cansoftlock, kg, deepsigh3, getajob, drunkyet, soft, welcometopubroad, shessohigh, toofar, molly, bamilaugh, prime, cardgame, lucky, booboo, fumigate, nyaa, eggsack, houseclean, bugoff.
sfx58: grindspot, chulk, timeto, windowsbad, ninjas, uhoh, missedone, rigpod2, ouch, lalala5, whatanoob, quit, oneshot, notaweeb, chairwoot, whatdoido, raftsx, diagonal, thatsmyraft, fishbutt, fishbutt2, fishbutt3
sfx59: prestoball, hurtballs, ballwish, runaway2, flygontoofar, toomanysounds, outtamyway, 13hours, 15hours, macawturkey, gruntno, sewerstoyou, getoff, aweeb, humanaround, norespect, soundrequests, lewddeath, guesswhat
sfx60: balder, sacked, dukequack, oldman, ladders, robass, manysounds, needgirl, fightingfor, brzsht, shecame, goodspot, tralala, weareoff, wandcutie, badluck, afraidnot, rigbabble2, lovemycheating, waitforhis, morrowrig
sfx61: dontplay, 15hours2, doccaveman, tactics, bodymassage, messherup, brokenchair, macawspiderman, thatsmybag, comeon, partnerstreamer, sayonarascum, gonnadie, lowanghouse, riglost, strangenut, motherrussia
sfx62: odarodlepots, boatonboat, savethegame, savethegame2, soundrequestfolder, tanyalaugh, somuchmoney, nskeith, watered, hawaiianbum, flol, whatthefmacaw, 7loads, martiandoors, deadtous, hellopis, snespower, dickman, fupmove
sfx63: goodnames, pickupline, ketobars, icant, rgg, hirig, ispillmydrink, thebox, ironlizard, spells, questvain, overstreamed, macawstupid, showrespect, magicmail, diky, ohyeah, look, kink, steppedon, one, lighting2, turnheroff
sfx64: 7000, fanal, objection, soslippery, silence, rigsob, invisible, overconfidence, fuchat, radonclick, spoilers, frogbang, righaggar, skinoff, puttingiton, hateeldorado, twinkies, statuebobs, justtheway, apples, suknothing
sfx65: stopzophar, hugeandlong, pies2, lastvideogame, thiccsnake, whatthe, donthavesegacd, longass, haton, dungeonbang, pleaseohh, howhappen, pony, whatpop, ratplace, dragonslayer, biffedit, minsc5, floppy2, dielater
sfx66: prepare, justnotbald, ohhh, getintothehole, torturemusic, macawour, tararara, bangcheated, lightrobe, gamma, terriblegame, dolphinohno, gottagofast, kazooie, grabit, youcheated, radonnoise, ooh2
sfx67: rigmad9, heretic, cube, thisbig, noslidepuzzles, smokingpot, wannabefriends, thecolorsduke, kidwhat, dontgamble, gdaction, awwno, lightningbolt, thedarkness, ghostbusters, deadperson, hiddenentrance, intheway
sfx68: crazyhammers, savescumspot, objective, balltalk, mario3d, arrows, omg6, fcklevel, lalala6, livenow, getoffanywhere, goodchat, x, macawexplain, gasp, comingfacility, socheap, bigfood2nite, wantthatmeat, ewdck
sfx69: pokebottom, orderedballs, screwyou, clipdumbones, carrots, toofat, press1, lookingatchat, wooohoh, short, rigpant2, snacksinchat, gonnaslam, tinyrig, hyperbabble, megamandos, betrayal, theyarehard
sfx70: powerstrike, gotworms2, ballface2, weee, theclaws, radoncastlevania, dukejoystick, thezs, howtoilets, falldeath, rigmad10, absolutelyno, segano, firststream, almostcancelled, 49, deadlyrod, punpunpun
sfx71: seestory, punpah, givesomebody, reaperhorn, ohshucks, mcrig, rigbami, nerdom, wedead, noroom, rigmad8, kickbaby, thatsmynip, ignorechat, lived, youredead, warpzone, untalented, tweaker, emijam, emitricked
sfx72: emichaos, thypounding, loot, alarm, winds, stop2, soulsuck2, sorryfolks, trap2, thiccrobo, string, ohno4, whensaved, cantfit, howdare, nodanger, card, builder, bedrobo, byeass, everybodydead, nomatch
sfx73: moderntrends, somean, havesome, hastcome, gethigh, fukfuk, youdied, crossbowdik, castingfor, bug, bitrate, birthdaytoday, bananamonkey, badgaw, badfeeling, babybird, baaargh, stillplaying, 911, thatsit, heights, bubsy, cutopen
sfx74: mariorpg, youwin, yousee, younglady, youlittle, yoshilow, wtfmario, wtfido2, wtf3, wtf4, wtf5, wrongbutton3, worstchat, work, wizardlava, wiseballs, winner, windup, whyhat, why, whoof, wheredidhego, whatwhat, whatsthatabout
sfx75: what3, what2, wgojc, wet, wellhello, welikethat, weirdnoises, waxed2, wantsnes, vtuber, vote4radon, vampires, usetheshell, usd, unhost, ummno, ugho, trifle, townmusic, towerslide, towel, tos4, tos3, toosmall
sfx76: tookmymoney, toogross, toobig, toiletpaper, toiletman, toadontoad, tiplost, ti8ick, thydoom, thezophar, thewallrig, thatspot, thatsmyfruit, thatsmycrystals, thatsmychat, thatbutt, terriblegamer, tekwar, tdgame
sfx77: takingclothesoff, taffing, switchfor2, switchfor, swine, swaggerwhat, superwhat, sukthathead, strikefirst, stopsayinghawaii2, stoprequesting, stoleherb, stickit, steve, stabstabstab, stabem, sprayface, splode
sfx78: spinning, spellpoints, song, solongpratt, sinbattle, shootbacon, shocked, shhhttt, serious, seemymap, seebobs, seal, scrot, screwhole, scared, saytoilet, salsafork, rules, rubball, rooster2, rim, rigyell, rigmissed
sfx79: rigmad15, rigmad14, rigmad13, rigmad12, rigmad11, riglaugh3, righaha, riggibbed, rigged, rigfurry, rigbabble3, rideit, ReticulatingSplines, relaxrig, redcoin, recovermana, reallywet, rat, rakejam, radonunreal
sfx80: radonturkey, radonpmovie, radonplayit, radonklingon, punchline, pumpkinpies, pressingd, press, pos, pineapples, pickpants, pickhole, pgone, pfor, pants, overleveled, orcs, orcstop, orbuser, ontario, okboomer, ohsht
sfx81: ohohh, ohnothep, ohboyee, ogrewoman, nutsandbolts, nottime, notok, nothingbutsht, nosmoke, nopanic, nootnootmf, nooo2, nonuts, nonono, nogame, nobdays, neversaved4, nancydrew, nana, nakedwizhype, nakedman
sfx82: nah, mymonkey, myboy, montecristo, monkeyslam, mistake, minsc6, mines, mikedid, mariovoice, man, mallow, makingsounds, magicmissile2, magicballs, macawwth, macawbullshed, lustforrevenge, lovelychests
sfx83: lovebananas, lottamakeup, lostrubber, liveherenow, littleguy2, letsgo3, learnjapanese, laughtroll, ladders2, killpigs, kawaiidesune, kawaiiaf, kawaii, justtheass, justjump, jumpingfor, jumping, jojoagain, jackpot
sfx84: jackal, itemshops, isuk, ironman, intelup, imnaked, imback, imadopted, igloo, hungrymoney, howtolose, howmanyholes, hotnoods, hotcartographers, holycow, hohoho, hidingding, heuheuheu, helpballs, heals
sfx85: hawaiichipmonk, havecome, haton2, hatoffrig, hatehans, haspantson, haircut, hadmore, gp, gotdrgs, goodbadgame, gonnaburst, goinsideme, goblins, giftsubs, gettinghigh2, gepgun, gdpoint, gave69, gamecheating, fuk3, ftup
sfx86: frustration, fmario, flygonbutts, flyaway, flowers, floorislava, fishbutt4, fish, fingerhunting, fingerblasting, fiddle, ff2, fetish, fastforward, fanime, exclusivespam, everyoneloses, erlala, enchantment, emulator
sfx87: elephant2, egghead, eatmonkey, e, dukevamp, dukesave, dukepoop, dukehalt, dukedo, dtf, droppants2, drewbarrymore, dragonspot, dragbodies, dpvg, dontweeb, donttell, dontfall2, dontfall, dontburn, dontbebad, docretro
sfx88: docno, docfiddle, docdoggo, dnuts, dieweeb, dicks, dickready, demonstool, demons, demonic, deddedded, deadsad, deadalready, dadno, cutehorse, corblimey, copyprotection, coolbeans, coinpoop, clueless, chezni
sfx89: cheaterguide, chatlives, chatjudging, causesmall, catchingbugs, cantbelieveit, cankill, bye, butwizard, butt, butmom, bustitdown, bumpedass, brucelee, breakrubber, bodybag, bittogameisass, billyhatcher, bigrats
sfx90: bigboss, bestdayever, behindattack, becareful, bazooka, bats, banslammers, ballsy, ballsacked2, baldursgate, baldspots, baldon, baldfreaks, baddog, axeman, awoo3, awoo2, awoo, assshow, assa, askrig, ask, asg
sfx91: asciiart2, annkpie, angrybirb2, amouranth, alwaysmazes, aloha2, alltokedup, adjust, actualhumans, 4000hrs, 90dmg, 31, 5dinners, 1hour, wardeath, hawaiidesune
sfx92: rig, english, food, nochoice, indignation, hammer, ehh, antidote, sneakassin, coffee, countermeasures, buggingout, rainlocker, rolaids.
sfx93: attention, bangok, bigduke, clothes, dochole, dqmagic, findignation, gardener, goforswim, happytoseeyou, hoot, howyoudoing, lazybones, magic, pissah, requesting
sfx94: ret2go, riggy, right, seenenough, shephard, sugar, thetube, thunderblade, tooksick, trollswin, wassup, whatshaking, yaysnow, youaredead, yousee2
sfx95: hatground, sodepressed, drakkhen, 4hours, aaasplash, aimhello, aitd, alive, andrewtil, badending, balllegs, bathhouse, bettertakeoff, betterthanyou, blethoffire
sfx96: bottle, bull, comehere, community, controls, crane, crotch, crytomommy, cupfooty, didyouseethat, dinner, dukefor, dukepurpose, egyptno, explosion2, fallsave
sfx97: flyingd, food, foundladder, frogmoses, fthefish, fuchat2, generalia, goforaswim, gottanut, grabmyballs, heroutfit, holdon, horse, humuhumu, insensitive, itdoesnt
sfx98: killedmario, kitchen, laraready, laser, lesbians, letmeplay, likemymulti, magicsl, meteor, mode7, noodlebabble, notfinished, notkidding, noway2, nuttin, peas
sfx99: peecoward, pieass, princessmoney, rabbit, rabblerabble, rainlocker, rcg, unit, wizard, 8bitsega, 18hours, 47hours, 50hours, 1000damage, achoo10, allhair
sfx100: assbomber, attackas, bebebe, behindscenes, billharvest, bsblasphemy, clipmysneeze, clownaction, danceonyou, demoncomeinside, dilf, dontdrinkbath
sfx101: dontlick, dukeacting, dumbdragon, everyonedeleted, exploded, focus, forsakenme, fumbrella, gameovernoob, getblown, gettingbig, giantap, goodgrief, gotitem
sfx102: havenotail, helppc, heshmice, holdinas, killromero, lalala7, luccamajinken, macawfish, machines, masterbaiter, mikewhoops, mrhawaii, myboobs, napalm
sfx103: noodlehurryup, notafurry, nowo, nuts, ohbig, oooyeah, pantsoff, pissbuttons, pisspants, pounding, rigno5, rigno6, rigtatta, robotturnon, rowr, securitydeposit
sfx104: serious2, shadrochtiger, shantaedeath, shapeshifters, shovethekids, shower, showtentacles, skeletonwiz7, skymusic, slammingthestreamer, snusnu, softadventure
sfx105: soundmenu, spadamajinken, squirtinggood, stopfisting, tails, takemymoney, tatatata, thatsmydosbox, thatsmygas, thedarkazial, thosegraphics, tooearly
sfx106: topoftherig, touchballs, toucheverybody, tripleblow, twitchcon, unclerig, useless, usethatteam, waggle, weakspot, wecome, wehaventfinished, welcomeback
sfx107: whackem, whatno2, whyvideogame, win98, woohoohaha, wrongnumber, yeah4, youcantsaythat, youready, youvecomeatlast, zipper, 6hours, 8hours, 100bits, 600damage
sfx108: thethief, arrowintheknee, bewb, bewbs, blueme, boomboombing, buttroast, cannonball, chooserat, dana, datalink, dinopodgang, dontrun, dontseedk, door
sfx109: dpcooldown, dpgsource, dragonform, dragonlovers, dubaruh, dukemusic, dukeohyeah, elephant3, fanfare, fishbewbs, fkugame, flappybird, floating, flygonegg, 4gorn
sfx110: frogchefs, fuzenudeman, gamehasass, flygontoofar2, gottafish, hadudon, hatefishing, hotkeys, hurryupcoming, igottabelieve, ihatethat, imightsuck
sfx111: inaccessible, inandout, jonathancomputer, keepbangingit, killedpodgang, killerchair, klingonlaugh, killingnpcs, cheatingbegin, lexloser, lllll, lookatass
sfx112: lookatthat, macaw5, macawgasm, macawshoepert, madeprogress, minigame, monkeyfits, monkeyhole, mothpeen, mylittlespiders, neigh, no3, nofurries
sfx113: noodlebuhbye, nopen, nukerats, panpanpan, peenonthegb, pern, peter, pounded, pshah, pukyu, raptorambush, raydead, rccrude, rejscoundrels, respectball, retroball
sfx114: rigbird, rigjoke, rigmad16, rigpanic, ring, satanwins, screweditup, slamme, sorryaha, spank, stopeatingchildren, suckatgames, sxingrats, tekwarouttahere
sfx115: timebonus, toiletgang, tryingtoblowme, udon, usethecrane, voicegone, w, walldks, werefoxmilf, missing, whatbewbs, whatisthat, whatrigwants, wtfamidoing
sfx116: alittleerect, animeduck, ballsstuck, beatingitall, bustershot, butiwantto, chickenescaping, controllerdrop, doclove, dong, dropandgiveme20, fivedollars, flygon
sfx117: furrygames, heybald, hotspiders, intomymouth, laser2, littleworm, lbwelcome, magicrat, minsc7, moist, murder, noodlesuperbig, nosh, ohdragonball, pimento
sfx118: playedthepron, pointsshaved, questionmarkhp, radoneldorado, radonjaguar, requiresuk, rigcawtekwar, rigdenied, rightintheass, rigstupid, sacknuts, seniors