Welcome to the stream, and i hope you enjoy the vibe. We try to keep it very open here and a bit wholesome. Try not to yuck other peoples yum.
The stream is bilingual and you will see a lot of Japanese, so please ask if you want something translated that was said if you are feeling left out, or even better, take sometime to join in.
Politics are generally okay, but do not expect everyone to agree with you.
This is a very LGBTQIA+ friendly space and i will not tolerate hate towards those groups, although I will accept questions discussing things you may not know.
Rules are really simple. Don't be racist. Don't be sexist. Respect peoples identities. Respect people in general. Listen to the mods and myself. Try to keep it generally PG13 unless the vibe takes a turn which is rare! .
Hey everyone, my name is Rikito Ogawa and I am a half Japanese streamer living in Osaka Japan! Thank you for being here and being interested enough to check out an about section about me.
Generally I play a lot of Jenshin and League. I also dabble in metroidvanias and the like.
For some added background I was born in Okinawa, raised in North Carolina. I went to college at NCSU as well as Hiroshima U.
I am, like many in Japan, an unlicensed English teacher by day, and streamer to #dozens by night. I am an open book so if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the chat!
I am bilingual for the most part but can't read very well. So sorry if i scuff it. I am average at games, but in no way a professional so if you are here for cracked game play, i will do my best, but please do not be disappointed. . .
Welcome to the SpooOOoooOOOooOOOOky ghost crew.
Why spooky ghosts? because i enjoyed saying it. It originated from the use of an old item in league called twin shadows and subsequently Seelies looking like ghosts in Jenshin.
I know find the philosophy somewhat deeper these days though.
Much like ghosts, all of us have some sort of unmet potential. Some sort of reason to keep living; even when we may feel dead.
We all have some motivation to exist in this mortal plane if only to find or better yet fulfill our purposes. To be part of the spooky ghosts crew is to accept that we have purpose and meaning. We are valid. To defy death itself and rise above the petty squabbles of day to day existence and help others in their endeavor if we can. I am the Chimimoryou hancho, and i hope you enjoy your stay here.
The opening to the stream is provided by https://nekohacker.com
The outro is provided by https://nyarons.bandcamp.com/music
Emotes provided by: https://www.instagram.com/tigerboibao_98/
Money doesn't motivate this stream!
If you want the awesome emotes, please feel free to sub or prime. You will also get access to all the 1000 point redeems for free to spam at your leisure!
Personally i think the best part is no commercials, but i think twitch turbo does that to! so don't feel obligated.
Bits are really fun. !bits in chat will give you the special bit donation increments that will get a special reaction on stream.
I think in most situations donations are the best way to support me and the stream, click the banner above.
Also, everyone says never needed always appreciated...
HOWEVER I cannot stress enough just how much more your viewership means to me. I will always appreciate your activity in the stream more than a dono, so please don't ever feel you need to give me any kind of monetary compensation.