The honest reason I stream:
Currently, i'm not happy where I am in life. I've always had great passion for creative arts🎥 but lacked the self-esteem and had terrible guidance growing up that essentially tried to push me away from my true calling...
As I got older however, I eventually realised that I was right to both have AND aim towards my ambitions and so am finally making a start here...
What do I love? Film, Music and Gaming🎮... What platform offers people like me a chance to do things they love as a means of income?💸 Twitch (and YouTube etc)... So it only made sense I start here and form a legendary group of people along the way✊...
I'll just note though, my absolute primary focus is enjoying what I do... This is a hobby and will always be seen as one... NOT just a platform I want to make money off of💰... Hence why I always stream what I want on that given day and will never stream a specific category JuSt FoR vIeWs... I'm MORE than open to recommendations though😉...
So if you've read this far, feel absolutely free to join the chat and community🤝. Would be fantastic to have you and if you've related to any of what I've said then take a page out of my book... See you on stream👊