Q: 有初配信的VOD或精華嗎?
沒有,因為根本還沒初配信,但我又想玩遊戲,所以就決定先來開台好了 (;・∀・)
Q: 那初配信會是多久之後?
開台之後體認到可能真的沒有時間去搞初配信,日常光是委託、剪片、開台、慢慢的把貼圖、背景這些東西補完就用光我全部的時間了,如果之後有空再說ㄅ Yumi與它荒廢的126張動畫草稿 - 2023/10/1
Q: 請問繪師與建模師是?
雖然不是特別厲害,但有任何畫圖、建模的問題,都歡迎來問我 (≧ω≦)/
Q: 你使用了哪些工具?
繪圖的話,軟體是用 Clips stuido paint pro,繪圖板有兩張, Wacom Intuos PT S、Huion Kamvas Pro 16,建模是用 Live2D cubism
Q: 你畫圖多久了?
Resident Evil 4 (2023): ▸NG Standard NMG - 1:59:06.74 IGT ▸Separate ways NG Professional - 52:14.39 IGT
在本應創造不了生命的死之世界中重生、本不該出現於此世的存在。 因為世間秩序的崩壞,使得它來到此地。 也因存在不被承認,它能無視於世界的規則,四處遊走。
雖然起初就像位沒了靈魂的流浪者,活在只剩下不死的空虛之中。 但也許是內心仍渴望著什麼,促使他不斷前行。 也使得它開始思考再次回到此地的意義。 在那顏色多變、飄忽不定的光芒中,能看到的是希望亦是絕望?
懷著各種想法,及對自己身世的疑惑。 它開始試圖幫助迷途的靈魂,並再次踏上找尋自身存在意義的旅途。
A person reborn in a world of death should not have created life, and should not have appeared in this world. It came here because of the collapse of the world order. Because existence is not recognized, it can ignore the world's rules and wander around.
Although at first like a wanderer without a soul, like a pitiful product of eternal life. But maybe something in his heart kept it going and made it think about the meaning of returning here again. In the color-changing and erratic lights, hope or despair can be seen?
There are all kinds of thoughts and doubts about their own life experience. It began to try to help lost souls and embarked on a journey to find the meaning of its existence again.
But why it was reborn, and what purpose, it seems to have forgotten——