What can I call you?
A lot of people address me as Natsu, Sia (See-Uh), Kaiser, Rush, or J so either one is fine.
What games have you been competed in?
Halo, and Gears. Lots of 2ks and LANs under my belt. Also a couple local smash tournament wins.
Where are you from?
From Detroit, Michigan. I live in Minnesota now.
Whats the deal with the anime?
I enjoy anime quite a bit. Mostly non-mainstream obscure ones. Ill save you the headache and say I stick to my own interests and dont watch anything people recommend me. I wouldn't bother. Happy to recommend anything for you though. Just ask.
I'm open to answering any questions you would like to ask, so long is they aren't too awkward/trollish. Interact with me and see.