(TTS at 100+ bits!)
1 bit - Mega Man rotates 10 bits - PERKELE 50 bits - Mega Man rolls eyes 75 bits - Synthesizer Patel chimes in 95 bits - Kitty falls
100 bits - Mega Man on his way 101 bits - FABIO 150 bits - Watch a 25-year old dork dance away
400 bits - Become a rulebreaker 420 bits - The 420 alert. 450 bits - Initiate a synth duel! 555 bits - Synthesizers... 666 bits - Cursed alert DO NOT PLAY
1,000 bits - Mega Man walks away
(Please note that all tips are final and non-refundable!)
1+ USD - Space jackhammers 5+ USD - HEEYAAYAAYAYA! (Fabulous He-Man) 10+ USD - Dads perform Minivan Highway 15+ USD - Play a synth solo (Sports!)
I'm a Retro Variety streamer with a focus on retro games, pixel art/low poly 3d, and music production. I'm also an advocate for neurodiversity awareness.
You are welcome to hang out with us! Make sure to read the rules first!
Business inquiries: [email protected]
Going live notifications, scheduling, and general announcements. You also get to know our lovely growing community!
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Unreal (1998) McPixel 3 Blazing Chrome Boppin' (1994)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (2nd Playthrough) Full Throttle (2nd Playthrough) Command & Conquer (Tiberian Dawn) Day of the Tentacle (1st Year Anniversary Replay) Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate Toonstruck The Messenger Blood (1997) StarTropics Shadow Warrior (1997) Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold VVVVVV Duke Nukem 3D Pizza Tower Flight of the Amazon Queen Jazz Jackrabbit Ion Fury Duke Nukem 2 Doom 2 Raptor: Call of the Shadows Hocus Pocus Doom (1993) Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge The Secret of Monkey Island The Dig
Grim Fandango Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Sam & Max: Hit the Road Full Throttle Day of the Tentacle
!1hp !alive !bayoubilliedout !bayoubilly !cancel !death !eugh !holysheet !hot !lovethisgame !noise01 !noise02 !noise03 !noise04 !nuts !oh !rihgt !shovel !spittake !stopitgame !timfollin01 !timfollin02 !timfollin03
!panic !sad !lul !what
!bayoubillydies !bayoubillyresurrects !makkaroita !perkele !splurt !vase !victory
!gba !gg !idontlikeit