Please respect the rules of our community! Offenses bad enough will be insta-banned.
Please don't say Sayu is "ignoring" you. (It's an old trauma of hers.)
Don't mention other living content creators unless Sayu does first.
Helpful POLITE backseating is ok! BUT NO one-man spamming.
Only English or Japanese in chat.
Spoilers are NOT welcome unless Sayu asks for them.
No self promotion or trauma dumping.
⛩️▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Disclaimers ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬⛩️
Sayu sometimes has a dark sense of humor. (You can consider chat to be her "foil" and/or "straight man".) Her jokes are not specifically aimed at any person/group most of the time.
Sayu sometimes acts "ignorant" with her jokes, but she is not ignorant towards harsh topics: Sayu will never support nonconsensual rape, or homophobia.
Sayu does not have a lot of knowledge about current or world news in general. Feel free to kindly teach her something new!