• Most static emotes made by Skylash, here is her Etsy Store • Sub/bit badges and panels are also made by Skylash • Animated emotes made by Mei Li, here is her Etsy Store
• Most static emotes made by Skylash, here is her Etsy Store • Sub/bit badges and panels are also made by Skylash
• Animated emotes made by Mei Li, here is her Etsy Store
What Runes/Build: look at my opgg and gl
When did i start playing Rengar: Season 2
Champs pool : Rengar, Nocturne, Evelynn, and soon Fiddlesticks
How did i come up with ScrubNoob : i didnt, it was my older brothers name and i took his account after i got banned in s3
Why only red headhunter : My favorite skin
Do you play other games: WoW / Diablo / TFT / Hearthstone
How many mastery points on Rengar : probably over 10 million
Racism or sexism will be perma
No backseating
No spamming or advertising
No politics
No spoilers
English only, I can't moderate my chat if I can't understand