Heya! Name's Natsuki Sekine, the final boss of an alternate dimension, ripped from my realm through a wormhole that opened up from some wild storm and pulled me here. I stir up a fair amount of trouble in this world as an Automobile Mercenary, Automerc for short, meaning I deal in cars, weapons and weaponized vehicles! (Yes that includes Metal Gears, ACs, and Gundams!) But in the calm I put on a show and create a stylish new space for many to enjoy~
Streams are rather sporadic and all over the place because of my weird sleeping patterns but usually stream in the afternoons and evenings~ I STREAM REALLY LONG USUALLY!
I've been playing games for a very long time.. Twisted Metal is pretty much where it all started. From there I grew into FPS and TPS games, then to fighting and MMORPGs. I was a mute for a very long time before I got into VRChat and did my streams like that. I've unmuted since Halloween of 2022 but still like to do some comfy mute streams when the mood comes around.
I'm usually okay with answering any and all other questions so feel free to ask~
She/They, either is acceptable!