I'm Shae, and welcome to my stream! I play a wide assortment of games from several genres like shooters, mobas, party games, single player adventures, and fighting games just to name a few. I'm almost always playing with viewers so feel free to ask to join on the fun!
You earn shaecoins at a rate of 1 coin per 5 minutes of viewing time. Shaecoins can be redeemed by typing !redeem and following the link, or by using song request! !sr costs 10 coins per song, so choose wisely!
You also earn extra shaecoins by:
► Patreon Sub (Rate of coins increased per minute, dependent on your pledge!)
► Donations (6 Shaecoins Per Dollar) Mention me or a moderator to give you your coins after any donation :D
► Bits (3 Shaecoins Per 50 Bits Cheered) Mention me or a moderator to give you your coins after any cheer :D
►Donating $2 or more will put your name and message on the stream with text-to-speech!
► G a m e M a s t e r If you're my top supporter for the day (with at least 1000 bits, $10, or a gift from my Wishlist), you can pick my game to play as the "Game Master" for as long as you're in chat! If someone tops your amount, they take the title! If you've done $1000 total over the month... You can have Game Master for the rest of the month o_o;
►Special Alerts
$2 - Gold Dabloons
$2.01 - $19.99 - Randomized between~ Kitchen gun/Extra Thicc/Old Spice/EZ Monay/Pokemon GO to the Polls
$4.20 - Dank
$5.00 - Jager Phoenix
$6.00 - Is That Joey Wheeler?
$6.66 / $66.66 - Scare
$6.90 - Step Bro What Are You Doing?
$10.00 - Game Master Peter Griffin
$11.00 - Game Master Joe Swanson
$12.00 - Eat the Plant!
$12.24 - Christmas (Thanks Jupiter!)
$12.25 - Christmas 2 (Go To Heaven)
$15.00 - Thanos Cube
$16.66 - Thanos Twerk (Bubble Alert)
$20.00 - Moaning Bois
$20.01 - Easily Troll Quan
$20.02 - $99.99 - Ugandan Bruce Lee
$21 - Pole Dancer Rhan LOL
$22 - Theo Attacks!!
$25 - Pots and Pans (Jag Alert)
$26 - Black Toastr?!
$30 - Fingers In His A-
$35 - Pet The Shae :D
$40 - shaemaCreep
$45 - Suavemente Ganon
$50 - Word around the office (Arch Alert)
$55.55 - Merlin Alert
$69.00 - Munch Munch Crunch Crunch OwO (◕‿◕✿)
$100 - Maidman111 (Mouth Alert)
$111 - Shaeman111 Alert
$125 - Maidman111 pt.2
$500+ - Hype Kitchen Gun
$1000+ - Lamborghinis in Your Lamborghini Account
50 bits - Lil' Bits
69 bits - Camboy Tip
100 bits - Lemme Get a Dolla
111 bits - Shaeman111 Bits
200 bits - Law Groove
500 bits - 500 Cigarettes
600 bits - KUNAI WITH CHAIN!
666 & 6666 bits - Scare Bits
777 bits - The Holy Kirbo
1000 bits - Do Da Homie!
1320 bits - CAPRISUN!
1337 bits - HACKERMAN
1355 bits - Star go Brrrr
1500 bits - The Big Cheese
1600 bits - KETAMINE?!?!
2000 bits - Bruce Lee Law Hype
2100 bits - Quan, Boom Chicka Ahh
2200 bits - Cramar Chess God
2500 bits - Ozri Sings Jag Fat
3000 bits - VicariousTim Communism
3100 bits - My Mama WHAT?!
3333 bits - Yo Mama BEEF
3500 bits - Cowboy Fudge
3679 bits - Doubleknot Alert
4000 bits - How Can You Kill A God?
4500 bits - Baldlight132
5000 bits - NG Beast Callout Kings
5100 bits - Tim 5-1 Rhan MUSCLE BUSTER
5500 bits - Dozhin Leo Master
5555 bits - Hotto Doggu
6000 bits - Become One With The DSS
6900 bits - Degenerate Pleb
6969 bits - Synthwave Eggs Dance
7000 bits - Good Ol' Orange Fudge
5001 - 7499 bits - Super Spice Terry Crews 1
7500 - 9999 bits - Super Spice Terry Crews 2
10,000 bits - Ricardo Bits
10,100 bits - Ultra Racist
10,001 bits - 19,999 bits - LOW TIER GOD
15,000 bits - Jimmydean Bits
20,000 - 29,999 bits - Super Kitchen Gun
30,000 - 39,999 bits - Super Kitchen Gun 2
40,000 - 49,999 bits - Butterfly Kitchen Gun
50,000 - 99,999 bits - Ultimate Kitchen Gun
100,000 bits - CorporalFudge Scream
1,000,000 bits - Demonify Dance
Donating is not necessary, heck, I may not even deserve it. So I thank you from the deepest parts of my heart for even considering clicking on this button and helping me keep the stream going. That being said, No Refunds :^) ❤
We both get a free stock if you sign up for Robinhood on pc/mobile using the link here!
You get a free $5 for signing up with Cashapp using This Link!
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Mobile Link
►With your sub on twitch comes 69 shaecoins, and same benefits as the $5 Patreon tier. 5 extra entries into the monthly giveaway, Immunity to bot timeouts, 50% off songrequest costs, and you get cool sub emotes! Thank you so much for your support T_T
I'll be coming up with resub perks as time goes on, and days to celebrate subs. Discord perks have now been enabled as well!
These people have supported my stream to the fullest! <3 <3