Why did you quit proplay?
I lost a lot of passion for LoL after 2021 and didn't want to play pro anymore if my heart wasn't really in it. Also pro league changed a lot in my region (no more gaming houses, no more live events) which just made it feel like soloq instead of competitive.
Peak rank?
OCE: 1357LP Season 10
NA: 1064 LP Season 9
KR: 1019 LP Season 14
Where are you from?
New Zealand (OCE)
Favorite champs?
Cassiopeia, Syndra, Orianna, LeBlanc, Lucian, Zoe, Ryze... There are too many I can't choose one
What other games do you play?
Currently only Apex, used to play a lot of SC2 and WoW
Soloq quality by region?
OCE - 2.5/10
NA - 3/10
EU - 6/10
KR - 9/10
Should I go liandry or ROA on Cassio?
You should go liandry most of the time. Liandry is very good vs health stackers OR long range champs. ROA is good against short range comps that need to burst you down. I probably go liandry about 80% of the time.
Best role to climb?
It's not really important, just whichever one you play the best.
Best champ to climb?
Simpler champions are normally easier but again, whichever one you're best at.
What are the best blind picks?
Normally champs with dashes/some safety (phase rush or self peel) that function well in most comps e.g. Azir, Ori, Ahri
Why is your map on the left?
It was on left in Starcraft so I was just used to it when I started playing league.
Do you do OPGG reviews?
No, there's not much you can get out of these. All I can really tell you is to CS better, die less and play the champs you have a high winrate. You can easily review yourself and just check if you have the same runes/items as a high elo player.
Favorite skin?
iG LeBlanc
Favorite pro player?
Keyboard - Razor Blackwidow, Mouse - Razer Trinity (the one with the wheel on the side for F keys)