Hello! You can call me by my Twitch tag Sirgoku1, or my smash tag Spence. I'm a competitive Melee player from Wisconsin who's been in the scene for over a decade now. I originally only streamed Melee tournaments on this channel but in 2018 decided to start streaming more content beyond that. These days I mainly stream speedruns, either solo (Sonic Heroes) or with my friends (Wii Play), however I still attend events in my local Melee scene.
Sonic Heroes
🌹 Team Rose LTS: 36:50 (9th Place)
Wii Play
🕵️ Find Mii 5: 37.500 (6th Place)
🕵️ Find Mii 10: 1:18.183 (2nd Place)
🕵️ Find Mii 20: 2:43 (2nd Place)
🕵️ Find Mii 50: 7:20 (2nd Place)
🕵️ Find Mii 99: 16:07 (2nd Place)
Ocarina of Time
🐔 KFC%: 8:38
🗼 JOTWAD Brawl%: 2:56.39