Hello my name is Nathan Moore. I am a freelance Meteorologist and Extreme Storm Chaser, I also chase for KETV ABC out of Omaha and NTV out of Central Nebraska.. I live in Kearney, Nebraska. I am a father of 2 awesome children.
I have always been addicted to thunderstorms and tornadoes ever since I was a youngster. I have chased in my spare time off and on for nearly 30 years but within the last couple of years decided to change the course of my life to follow my dreams and show my chasing to the world.
I am currently a full time worker at the University of Nebraska in the IT Department and I recently graduated with my GIS degree from University of Nebraska Kearney and will be graduating with my Meteorology degree soon.
You can also follow my other channels. For Live chasing twitch.tv/StormChaserIRL and for Gaming goto twith.tv/scirl_gaming