TechieR0b is an internet weirdo and Linux bore who still yearns for the days when spirits were brave, stakes were high, games were real games, nerds were real nerds, and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri. Rob streams whatever random retro filth that he can get to run on his decrepit hardware, apart from Saturdays (Shmup-a-days) where Rob tortures himself by playing through his never-ending backlog of shmups.
If you like your hardware to be old and rubbish, then you've certainly come to the right place. TechieR0b uses a slightly long-in-the-tooth quad-core AMD running some flavour of Kubuntu LTS to do all the boring work. At the moment, this involves a mixture of emulators and capturing original hardware. The HDMI capture box is so old that it's haunted, but there's some small risk that it can still be coaxed into capturing the consoles and computers that are currently gathering dust in some remote corner of the house (assuming that the RGB upscaler doesn't die of shame). Last we checked, the following bits of scrap were all in at least semi-working order:
The following consoles and hardware are currently either not in a streamable state or I just can't be arsed to check them:
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