Hey guys my name is BlackRoad, you can call me Yu-Jen(My English name and it’s pronounced like U-Jun), or YJ. Born in Taiwan and stayed in China for 8 years, then moved back to Taiwan after grade 4. Studied in international schools so feel free to use English to chat with me. Currently live in Taiwan and I’m 21 years old. Mostly stream Apex and also other games like League of Legends, Monster Hunter, and more.
Paypal https://streamlabs.com/theblackroadgaming/tip (Only Overseas)
綠界 https://p.ecpay.com.tw/0628ABA
轉賬 (沒有通知 要記得跟我說) 賬號: 115540401818 代號: 822
感謝你們: 綿羊羊羊羊 (sheeeee3p) :403 NTD
Apex: Start playing when season 1 but start playing seriously since season 9
League Of Legends: Highest to plat 3 solo q (Stopped playing)
CSGO: Master Guardian II (Stopped playing)
Overwatch: Tank: Plat Damage: Diamond Support: Master