- Respect each other and be kind
- Keep chat PG-13
- No doxxing (i.e talking about real names, age, specific location, etc.)
- No advertising or self-promotion (including links unless prompted by streamer)
- No hateful, racist, sexist, offensive, or vulgar comments
- Don't mention other streamers unless prompted by streamer first
momoccchuu for helping me design the sub blobs and for creating the super cute swear jar animation!
Visardist for animating my dancing blob emote
LiLi_Pupp for kindly making the red sweater my vroid model wears!
moonliqhtsanata for the adorable pixel clapping huskan and pixel mod hamhams
Zaytri for the scrolling chat
MoonJelly for the zero-braincell recorder music
Kazpixelart for the adorable pixel huskan~