Entertainment Junkie
I sift through the garbage for the best trash
Life's too short to not have a good time
Don't be rude.
Don't be annoying.
Be respectful.
Click on the red button for videos
I'm bad with schedules, so click on the blue birdie to find out when I go live.
These amazing artists have given me permission to play their tunes!
Check 'em out!
Thank you!!
-Brad Sucks
-Mystery Skulls
-The Blue Stones
Click on the picture for my Patreon
I want everyone to have access to my YouTube and Twitch content for free. Currently there are no benefits outside of supporting the work I do. Anyone who wishes to support can give as much or as little as they want and know that they have my undying gratitude. Thank you
Click the picture for my Ko-Fi if that's your preference