Hi! I'm Sleepy! I'm a Cat lover from Canada! No that doesn't mean I live in an igloo & Ride a Polar Bear to work (Even though that would be super awesome!) I try to go live everyday, but currently thing's aren't going to plan, so I'm live when I am, and not when I'm not! Type !Discord in the chat to join my discord and get real time notifications when I'm live :P
I usually will be found on MMO's, ARPG's & MOBA's, and ocassionally on FPS's! The Current roster of games I play are Lost ark, LoL, FFXIV, and any single player game that peaks my interest! I love to interact with chat &I hope you find a place here within my community because I know I'd love to have you here!
PSA: Please don't take offense if and when I butcher your name, I've been streaming for 9 years and I still can't read sentences properly!
Business Email: [email protected]
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♥ Perks of Subscribing ♥
Directly Supports me so I can fulltime Stream
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23 Awesome Global Emotes
A Cute Ukulele Sub Badge
3x Dwarfs Collected while in Chat
Sub-Only Section of the Discord
Sub-Only Giveaways
9.99$ Sub - 1 extra exclusive emote (sleepy3), counts as 2 sub points towards getting more emotes yay!
24.99$ Sub - 1 More Exclusive emote (Sellout Emote) + the 9.99$ emote, Counts as 6 extra sub points towards getting more emotes! ♥
Click the picture above to donate with paypal or your Credit card!
I Would rather you subscribe before donating, but if you've already done that, and you would like to support me more, Then Welcome :p
All Donations of $2.00 or more appear on screen, and be read from text to speak
Tips are 100% not Refundable
Top one time Donation:
Top 5 (Accumulated):
Current Stream Schedule I try to stream most days, I post in the discord & on twitter when I am going live :) ♥
Current Stream Games Currently I have been enjoying Final Fantasy:XIV , League of Legends, Genshin Impact, MineCraft and sometimes Path of Exile I do a variety of other games as they release (Mario Maker 2 Coming, Life is strange etc ) So please feel free to ask what we're doing for the day :)
FFXIV Streams are every Tues & Thurs as I do raid with a Static ♥
Wishlist - You can also choose to support me by buying something off my wishlist, Thanks so much in advance if you decide to grab something! :)
KontrolFreeks Partner! I am absolutely in love with Kontrol Freeks and have been since I started using them 2 years ago, I would recommend these to anyone! Use code "Sleepy" for 10% off any KontrolFreek Products!
xSplit Elite Partner! This is the broadcasting software I use and it is absolutely amazing! Use code "Sleepy" For 10% off your purchase of a xSplit license!
"Dwarfs" (Loyalty points) are given every 7 minutes (Only when the stream is live) Everyone gets 1 point per 7 minutes. When you first follow the stream you get 10 points, and at the end of every stream I do a giveaway of however many viewers there is at the end (i.e 70 viewers = 70 dwarfs ) to one lucky random viewer! Type !Dwarfs to find out how many dwarfs you have collected! (Collecting dwarfs.. Pft... You sneaky little bugger Kappa )
A couple ways to collect !Dwarfs
Bank Heist - Bank Heist's are available every 10 minutes when I am online, Type !bankheist x (x being the amount of points you would like to risk) and hope for a better payout! Payouts are chosen at random by RoboSleepy, you could win double, you could win partial, or you could win nothing! (But lets be honest, you're not scared because you're a major gambler at heart )
End of the stream !Dwarfs giveaway! - Basically at the end of my stream I always do a giveaway of dwarfs, The number of dwarfs will depend on how many people are still in the channel at the end of the night! Anyone can win as long as you type the special word of the day! (At the end of the stream, everyone (who wants to) can suggest a word, and I'll pick one to be the keyword we use to enter the dwarf giveaway!)
That's all for now, Enjoy Collecting Garden Gnomes! .. I mean.. Dwarfs ♥