Chat Room Etiquette:
1) Please don't be one of those insipid meme-spewing plebians who has NOTHING else to offer chat.
2) Please no homophobic, overtly racist, or any other sort of hate speech you'd expect from your standard Neanderthal. Thanks. Also, see rule 1.
3) I'm not of those streamers who's going to ban, timeout, or finger-waggle at back-seating, for the most part. However, please use common sense; I know it still exists.
4) Remember: No matter how old a game may be, or how many times YOU may have played through it, there's always a chance someone else who's present has NOT experienced the game.
5) Please don't just ask me "Is this game worth it?" without context if I don't know you at all. I'm no mind-reader. I don't know what your tastes and needs in games are, or what is "worth" $60 to you.