Golden Axe (Arcade) - 6th Soul Calibur (Arcade) - 14th J.J. Squawkers 1CC 1 Loop - 1th J.J. Squawkers 1CC 2 Loop - 1th Spinmaster (hard) - 3th Spinmaster (hard 1CC) - 1th GUARDIANS(hardest) - 2th Waku Waku 7 (lv 4 1cc) - poli tank 2th NINJA BASEBALL(hardest) - 2th SNOW BROS (ARCADE) - 7th PENGUIN BROTHERS - 2th kov2 1cc no death(Zhang Fei) - 1th kov2 co-op 1cc(Pang Tong) - 1th Marvel vs Capcom - 9th Snow Bros. 2 (hardest) - 16th Bloody Roar Max Difficulty(Yugo) - 1th Bloody Roar Max Difficulty(alice) - 1th Bloody Roar Max Difficulty(gado) - 1th Bloody Roar 2 Max Difficulty(Gado)- 6th Bloody Roar 2 Max Difficulty(Stun)- 1th Snow Bros. (Arcade) - 7th Snow Bros. 2: With New Elves - 16th Tech Romancer level 8(G.Kaiser) - 2th Psychic Force 2012(Emilio) story mode - 1th Mega Man: The Power Battle(1-2) - 8th Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (Search for Wily!) - 8th knights of valour 2 plus - nine dragons - 1th