This is a Family Friendly stream
🐠 No racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, sizeism, misogynistic, abelistic or hateful slurs allowed. Doing so will result in an instant ban.
🪐 Please consider your word choice, as it may trigger others.
🦀 No suggestive messages. This is a safe space for all.
🌙 Harassment and bullying of community members will not be tolerated.
🐬 Discussions of politics and religion are prohibited.
🛸Refrain from spamming, please
⭐️Let's not discuss age-related topics.
🐠No self promo.
🪐Please, do not backseat.
🦀No nonsense or gibberish phrases. This is to keep us safe from underground hate.
🌙Pushing the boundaries of my rules will result in a ban.