Chat Rules
1.Be Respectful: Treat everyone with kindness and respect. No hate speech, discrimination, or personal attacks.
2.No Spamming: Avoid flooding the chat with repeated messages, links, or excessive emojis.
3.Keep It Friendly: No bullying, harassment, or toxic behavior. Let’s keep this space welcoming for everyone!
4.No Self-Promotion: Please refrain from promoting your own or others' channels unless permitted.
5.Follow Twitch’s Community Guidelines: Twitch’s rules apply here, too. Familiarize yourself with them to avoid any issues.
6.Stay On-Topic: Engage with the stream and discussions respectfully without derailing the chat.
7.Listen to Mods: Moderators are here to keep the chat fun and safe. Please respect their decisions.
8.Have Fun! This is a place to relax and enjoy—be kind, make friends, and let’s have a great time together!