Hello my name is Trenlass.
I am from the northern part of Germany and play a lot of different games. I play World of Warships and I am a Content Creator for War Thunder! If you want to start the World of Warships you can use my invite link https://warships.net/trenlass or if you want to start War Thunder http://warthunder.com/en/registration?r=userinvite_5991687 they will provide you with some bonuses.
o7 your Trenlass
Moin ich bin Trenlass!
Ich komme aus dem schönen Norden und spiele regelmäßig verschiedene Spiele.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß beim Stream:)
Ich bin ebenfalls ein War Thunder Content Creator.
I usually stream in english!
o7 euer Trenlass
I also play various other games from time to time.
Main games.
World of Warships
War Thunder
Cod Modern Warfare
Starcraft 2
and more