Everyone Earns Spacebucks, but subscribers earn them faster! Play !Jumptown to grow your SpaceBucks!
5,000 SpaceBucks
20,000 Spacebucks
Meant to cause crash or panic 10,000 SpaceBucks
Meant to hinder combat and cause panic. 10,000 SpaceBucks
10,000 SpaceBucks
Subscribers earn 3 SubCredits per hour
30 SubCredits
3 SubCredits
20 SubCredits
20 SubCredits
Meant to cause crash or panic 10 SubCredits
Meant to hinder combat and cause panic. 10 SubCredits
10 Subcredits
25 SubCredits
Make Trip drop his gun (or whatever is in his hands) during FPS gameplay 25 SubCredits
1 Bit Cheered = 1 BitCredit
1000 BitCredits
100 Bitcredits
100 BitCredits
700 BitCredits
700 BitCredits
Meant to cause crash or panic 400 BitCredits
Meant to hinder combat and cause panic 400 BitCredits
100 BitCredits
Make Trip drop his gun (or whatever is in his hands) during FPS gameplay 500 BitCredits
500 BitCredits
5,000 BitCredits
1,000 BitCredits
I claim to have invented the "omni-throttle" for PC gaming! This is my 3rd evolution of my own "omni throttle, with the first having been shown on the SC forums in 2014! In this photo the custom left hand controller is a Virpil WarBRD gimbal with a highly customized all metal Thrustmaster Cougar throttle grip mounted on it. It's a two axis left hand stick that feels like a perfect match for the Thrustmaster Warthog metal grip on my right hand. It also has a thumb wheel axis for my speed limiter.