你好,我是漆野。 只會打字聊天,歡迎在聊天室互動。 如果你願意,也可以一起組隊玩遊戲 語言:繁體中文、Google翻譯
Hello! I'm Urushino. Can only chat by typing, welcome to chat in the chat room. You can also team up and play games together if you want. Language: Traditional Chinese, Google Translate.
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[+ 2️⃣邀請碼(遊戲創立時輸入)]
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Thank you very much!
☰→ Avatars→ Choose your avatar
☰→ Avatars→ 選擇你要的化身 #
😽☰→Actions→ command
battleroyale:大逃殺 battleroyale battleroyale 200 battleroyale cancel # boss:頭目戰 #
slots 50 啟動老虎機以獲得 50 點忠誠度積分。 Starts a slot machine for 50 loyalty points. #
bomb {target} bomb mass bomb #
sling {power} {angle} sling 100 90 在你的頭像正上方的角度發揮最大力量。 # sling 50 45 與頭像左側 45 度角的一半功率。 Half power at 45 degrees towards the left of your avatar. mass sling random random 將以隨機角度以隨機力量射擊化身。 #
fart mass fart #
roll roll 1d6 roll 1d20 #
attack {target} attack random #
dance mass dance #
hug {target} hug random #
explode:爆炸 只有版主可以啟動這個小遊戲(預設值) Only moderators can start this minigame (with default settings)
explode {target}:使某人爆炸 mass explode:集體爆炸 #
跳接星 只有版主可以啟動這個小遊戲(預設值) Only moderators can start this minigame (with default settings) 使用者可以輸入 !jump 來嘗試捕獲以獲得忠誠度積分獎勵。 users can type !jump to try to catch if for a loyalty point bounty.
spawn game 50 生成一顆星星,賞金 50 點忠誠度。 Spawns a star with a bounty of 50 loyalty points. # spawn game 10 13 產生 13 顆星星並獎勵10 點忠誠度積分。 Spawns 13 stars with a bounty of 10 loyalty points. #
screensaver {seconds} screensaver cancel #