Though I'm not super active there, feel free to follow me on Instagram. I typically use it when I'm at events or generally having a good time.
I'm Virum. 3D animator, Super Smash Bros commentator and lover of games! This stream's primarily designed to be a comfy and elegant experience where I play animate, play games and analyse Smash during my nights. Hope you enjoy your time here!
1) Do your best to be polite and mindful
2) Discrimination of any sort will not be tolerated
3) You're absolutely allowed to post links and use Caps Lock though try not to spam
4) Relax and have fun!
If you enjoy my content you're welcome to donate here. Typically donations will go to improving the quality of the stream or helping me to get to events.
Follow my antics on Twitter (my primary form of social media) if you'd like. Not too much to say, just see for yourself!
Join my public Discord server. Subscribers get a few extra benefits and perks too!