Click the image above to be redirected to my profile, which shows just about all of my speedruns, along with a list of where they rank, with links to all of them
Alternatively, you can check out this google doc, which has some runs that don't appear on my profile, such as runs that don't have a leaderboard, or run I don't submit to SRC anymore (newer Sonic runs), as well as Individual Level speedruns, Link to full Google Doc here
wersterlobe Features all my past and present speedruns, highlights, playthroughs and glitches. I upload lots of videos, a lot of stuff that I don't stream, such as Individual Level speedruns, and games I just feel like playing offline from time to time
@wersterlobe Follow for stream and speedrunning updates, and so you don't have to ask me what I'm thinking about doing when I'm not streamin
This is what I do full time, it is my only source of income. However, I don't focus on the monetary element of streaming. That means unlike a lot of other places, you won't see sub/donation alerts on screen taking priority over game feed, my entire focus is on the quality of content I am delivering to you. I also never play ads when I am streaming, only at the end of the stream when I am done.
This doesn't mean I don't appreciate the support I get, in fact it means I appreciate it more. To be given an opportunity to deliver top notch content doing something that I'm so passionate about is a blessing. Here's how you can help:
1) Turning off/whitelisting adblock. I only ever play ads when there is literally nothing happening (at the end of stream), so turning it off hurts you in no way.
2) Subscribing to the stream. This splits the money 50/50 between the broadcaster (me) and Twitch, so I would recommend this is you want to pay for the service Twitch is offering you. That is: Custom emoticons, no ads, access to sub only emails, and a prestige chat badge to let everyone know you are a supporter
3) Donating to the stream. This is the most direct way of supporting.
4) Supporting through Patreon or through Kofi. This is another more direct link than subscribing through twitch. Would recommend this option is you just want to directly support me, and allow me to continue doing this full time.
5) Opening a tab with the official 24/7 waitroom stream This stream runs 24/7 with content of mine, and having it open will support me via ad revenue, and helps me never have to do sellout things on this channel for extra cash.
6) If you can't (or don't want to) engage in any of those activities above, that's fine. You can still contribute just by watching and engaging in happy healthy friendly conversation in chat.
Again, I am truly grateful for any and all support I receive. Thank you =)
I'm pretty much always in here, so for a direct means of contact it works really well. I'll also update things about my stream in here a lot (games coming up, new strats, etc) as well as just a general hangout.
(If you don't have Discord, please get it, it's way better than every other program of it's sort)
I try to stream every day, but I don't particularly have a set time to stream, so make sure to follow to try and catch me~
The times on the side are of my personal best of the game I'm running. If it says "WR End" at the end, it's the World Record
Check out this detailed list
I don't respond well to people asking me to run a game, asking me to play a game generally makes me play it less. I have well over 50 games on my list of games that I want to speedrun to the near to immediate to late future, and I don't really have any idea of the order. Just depends what I get motivation to play.
That's not a question. Also get a better name
Heracross :)
Pokemon Crystal.
My Favourite sonic game is Sonic 3 & Knuckles. My favourite 3D Sonic game is Sonic Heroes.
You can find a playlist with all of them right here