We're a fairly relaxed bunch here but there's a few ground rules everyone should be aware of when tuning in;
This stream is set to be for Mature Audiences. We're not adverse to a lot of swearing, dirty humour and being decidedly un-PG here, so please keep this in mind before watching. Consider this a warning for any parent upset about which orifice I'm telling a virtual character to stick something probably large and spiky.
Don't be a prick, any forms of toxicity, racism, homophobia and bigotry are not tolerated here and are a great way to get yourself acquainted with our good friend, The Ban Hammer.
No politics. Politics are stressful for a lot of people, myself included, and we all need an escape from time to time. This stream is one of those escapes so expect to be asked to stop if I feel discussions are getting too political.
Spam is not our jam, so think again if all you want to do is post the same stuff over and over.
Please do not backseat game me, unless I specifically ask chat for help.