Please refrain from spamming, cursing, hurling vulgarities and discussing mature content.
*請勿在台主游玩游戲過程劇透劇情 除非台主同意或要求
Please refrain from posting spoilers or walkthroughs unless I ask for it.
*請勿詢問個人隱私、人身攻擊等事情No disclosure of personal details. No personal attacks.
*請盡量不要過度命令台主做什麽 遇到問題台主會和大家一起討論解決
Please do not demand me to do anything. If you have any issues, you are welcomed to discuss it with everyone.
*請尊重台主 不要説什麽台主不理你 台主看到聊天室的留言自然就會回復
Please respect me, do not say I ignore you. I will reply you once I see your message in the chat.
*勿在別台提到本台的實況內容,請尊重其他台主 也請勿在本台提到其他實況主或說自己在開台的事情,除非yukki主動提起
Please respect other streamers to not mention my stream and please do not mention other streamers unless I talk about them first.
To be updated.....